Gen. Robert Kehler, the head of U.S. Strategic Command,
this week continued to back the Obama Administration’s
plan to defer construction of the Chemistry and Metallurgy
Research Replacement-Nuclear Facility while expressing
concern about the nation’s future efforts to modernize the
weapons complex. Due to budgetary pressure, the Administration
said in February that it would defer CMRR-NF
for at least five years while accelerating work on the other
multi-billion-dollar weapons complex construction project:
the Uranium Processing Facility planned for the Y-12
National Security Complex. “I agreed with that sequencing,” Kehler said in response to questions after a breakfast
speech at the Reserve Officers Association. “I did so
because, again, we are under budget pressures, and nothing
was immune. I believe that we could do that with some
increased risk but acceptable risk. I believe we can manage
that risk.”
House Republicans have criticized the Administration for
delaying work on CMRR-NF and slowing work on three
key warhead refurbishment efforts—the W76, the B61 and
the W78/W88—while suggesting that the Administration
is backing away from promises made during debate on the
New START Treaty. At the time, the Administration said
it would spend $88 billion over 10 years on the National
Nuclear Security Administration’s weapons program, but
when the Administration rolled out its Fiscal Year 2013
request for the agency, it said that budget belt tightening— and Congressional cuts to its FY2012 weapons
program budget—had forced a change of plans.
Beyond ‘13 Still a Concern
For his part, Kehler has suggested that he won’t feel
completely comfortable about the modernization plan until
there is more known about the future: what will happen in
FY2014 and beyond. Kehler testified this spring that he
was concerned with the lack of a plan. “What is still
pending is what happens beyond ‘13,” Kehler said. “And
both the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of Energy
have written a letter to the congressional committees that
describe that we do not yet have a plan in place for ‘14 and
beyond for the weapons complex, and that that is work in
progress. And we will close that work here as we reach the
end of the summer, and we’ll be prepared then to talk
about ‘14 and beyond as we come in next cycle.”
Kehler said it was a priority of his to ensure that the
weapons complex continues to receive the attention it
needs. “Our weapons are aging. And we face issues in the
physical industrial plant and the possibility of erosion of
our intellectual capital,” he said. “We must protect the
important investments for stockpile certification, warhead
life extension and infrastructure recapitalization. To that
end, StratCom is working with the Office of the Secretary
of Defense and others to finalize plans for fiscal year ‘14
and beyond.”
Kehler: Modernization Could Lead to Stockpile Cuts
He suggested that once the weapons complex was modernized,
he might be able to support further reductions to the
nuclear stockpile below the 1,550-warhead cap established
on strategic deployed nuclear weapons in the New START
Treaty with Russia. “The Nuclear Posture Review, I think,
did a pretty good job in describing that what we want to do
here is we want to transition from maintaining weapons in
a stockpile as a hedge against technical or geopolitical
issues, we want to transition to a responsive infrastructure
in order to do that,” Kehler said. “And then when you do
that—and I believe this is true—I believe that we can
manage the existing stockpile a different way, perhaps with
fewer weapons.”
Whether a responsive infrastructure would change the
Pentagon’s requirements for 50 to 80 pits a year, which has
been called into question with the deferment of work on
CMRR-NF, remains unclear. Kehler said a pit production
capability would still be needed in case the nation were to
decide to produce a new weapon, or a replacement weapon
like the Reliable Replacement Warhead, for stockpile
refurbishment, or to hedge against problems with current
pits in the stockpile. But he hinted that the requirements
could be adjusted, perhaps in the Administration’s forthcoming
Nuclear Posture Review implementation study that
is expected to outline further reductions to the stockpile. “Those [pit] requirements come from not just one place,
but a multiple of different sources, and ultimately those
requirements are under review,” Kehler said. —Todd Jacobson