CMRR Nuclear Facility
Litigation under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Gregory Mello, Affidavit #1, October 21, 2010, References
Paragraph |
Reference |
Title |
4 |
1 |
Los Alamos Study Group, "LANL's project - monument of folly," |
4 |
2 |
Los Alamos Study Group, "Plutonium pit production and related issues," |
4 |
3 |
Mello, Greg, "Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project Primer: Introduction, Overview, and Some Key Issues," Dec 21, 2009. |
7 |
1 |
Department of Energy (DOE), CMRR Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), November 2003. |
7 |
2 |
Federal Register, Vol. 69, No. 29, Thursday, February 12, 2004: 6967-6972. |
10 |
1 |
National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), FY2003 Congressional Budget Request (CBR), 03-D-103, Project Engineering and Design (PED). |
10 |
2 |
NNSA, FY2004 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 347. |
10 |
3 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: S-28. |
10 |
4 |
NNSA, FY2004 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 349. |
10 |
5 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: 2-20. |
11 |
DOE, Final Site-Wide EIS (SWEIS) for Continued Operation of LANL, May 2008. |
12 |
1 |
DOE, Complex Transformation Final Supplemental Programmatic EIS (CTSPEIS), October 2008. |
12 |
2 |
DOE, CTSPEIS, October 2008: 3-57. |
12 |
3 |
Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 245, Friday, December 19, 2008: 77644-77656. |
12 |
4 |
Federal Register, Vol. 73, No. 245, Friday, December 19, 2008: 77656. |
13 |
1 |
DOE, Secretary of Energy Advisory Board (SEAB), "Recommendations for the Nuclear Weapons Complex of the Future, Report of the Nuclear Weapons Complex Infrastructure Task Force," July 13, 2005: 16-17, H-5. |
13 |
2 |
DOE, CMRR Project Update, March 3, 2010: 44. |
14 |
1 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: 2-21. |
14 |
2 |
McKinney, Tom, LANL Construction Forum, June 16, 2010: 9. |
14 |
3 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: 2-21. |
15 |
MITRE Corporation, JASONS, "Pit Lifetime," November 20, 2006: 1. |
16 |
1 |
URS Corporation, "Update of the Probability Seismic Hazard Analysis and Development of Seismic Design Ground Motions at the Los Alamos National Laboratory," May 25, 2007: Executive Summary. |
16 |
2 |
Lobsenz, George, The Energy Daily, "Safety Board Raises Seismic Issue on Los Alamos Project," January 26, 2009, EXHIBIT 2. |
17 |
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB), staff issue report, May 30, 2008: 1, 5. |
18 |
1 |
U.S. Congress, Public Law 110-417, October 14, 2008, Section 3112, Limitation on Funding for Project 04-D-125 CMRR, LANL. |
18 |
2 |
DNFSB, CMRR Certification Review, September 2009: 2-4 - 2-6. |
19 |
1 |
NNSA, FY2010 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 215. |
19 |
2 |
Mitre Corporation, JASONS, "Lifetime Extension Program (LEP) Executive Summary," September 9, 2009. |
19 |
3 |
NNSA, FY2011 CBR, Weapons Activities, Directed Stockpile Work: 81. |
19 |
4 |
Department of Defense, "Nuclear Posture Review Report," April 2010: xiv. |
19 |
5 |
Jacobson, Todd, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor,"NNSA Pushing Cooperation to Reduce Risks on UPF, CMRR-NF," October 11, 2010, EXHIBIT 3. |
19 |
6 |
U.S. Senate Committee on Armed Services, National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011, June 4, 2010: 274. |
20 |
1 |
NNSA, FY2011 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 227. |
20 |
2 |
Jacobson, Todd, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor,"NNSA Pushing Cooperation to Reduce Risks on UPF, CMRR-NF," October 11, 2010, EXHIBIT 3. |
22 |
Holmes, Rick, NNSA, CMRR Project Update, June 10, 2010: 4. |
23 |
Fong, Steve, NNSA, CMRR Project Update, March 20, 2009: 21. |
26 |
Los Alamos Study Group, Letter to DOE Secretary Steven Chu and NNSA Administrator Tom D'Agostino, July 1, 2010. |
27 |
1 |
NNSA, CMRR-NF Project Overview, aerial photograph/map, October 2010, EXHIBIT 4. |
27 |
2 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: 4-12. |
28 |
|, CO2 Emissions from Cement and Concrete Production, table 4. |
30 |
1 |
NNSA, CMRR Final EIS, November 2003: 2-21. |
30 |
2 |
Bretzke, John, NNSA, LANL, Pajarito Construction Activities, June 16, 2010: 4. |
37 |
Schneider, Keith, The New York Times, "U.S. Spent Billions On Atom Projects That Have Failed," December 12, 1988. |
43 |
NNSA, CMRR Public Meeting, Volume 8, September 23, 2009: 13. |
44 |
NNSA, CMRR Public Meeting, Volume 9, March 3, 2010: 20-21. |
48 |
Mello, Greg, telephone conference with Steve Fong, CMRR Project Manager, August 11, 2009. (EXHIBIT 1) |
49 |
DNFSB, CMRR Certification Review, September 2009: 2-4 - 2-6. |
52 |
NNSA, LANL, News Center, press release, |
54 |
NNSA, FY2011 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 223. |
56 |
1 |
NNSA, FY2002 CBR, Weapons Activities, Readiness in Technical Base & Facilities (RTBF), CMR Upgrades Project, LANL. |
56 |
2 |
NNSA, FY2002 CBR, Weapons Activities, RTBF, FY 2001 Items of Congressional Interest. |
57 |
NNSA, FY2011 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 223. |
59 |
1 |
Biden, Joseph R., Jr., Vice President, letter to Senator John F. Kerry, September 15, 2010. |
59 |
2 |
U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, FY 2011 Continuing Resolution (CR) Appropriations Issues. |
60 |
1 |
U.S. Senate Committee on Appropriations, FY 2011 CR, September 29, 2010. |
60 |
2 |
Los Alamos Study Group, "Continuing Resolution Dramatically Benefits New Mexico Nuclear Weapons Laboratories," September 30, 2010, EXHIBIT 5. |
60 |
3 |
NNSA, LANL, News Center, |
60 |
4 |
Schwartz, Stephen I., editor, Atomic Audit: The Costs and Consequences of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Since 1940," EXHIBIT 6. |
62 |
DNFSB, LANL Weekly Site Report, July 23, 2010. |
63 |
LANL, Procurement Opportunities,, EXHIBIT 7. |
64 |
LANL, "Summary of Work for Procurement of Safety Significant Air Handling Units for the CMRR," |
65 |
1 |
McKinney, Tom, NNSA, LANL, "LANL Construction Corridor," September 8, 2010: 8, EXHIBIT 8. |
65 |
2 |
110th Congress, House of Representatives, Report 110-185, "Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill, 2008," June 11, 2007: 105. |
66 |
DOE, Order 413.3A, Chg 1, "Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets," November 17, 2008. |
67 |
NNSA, LANL, CMRR Project Update, March 3, 2010: 12. |
68 |
DOE Directives, DOE G 430.1-1, Chapter 3, "Stages of Project Development," March 28, 1997. |
69 |
DOE, Order 413.3A, Chg 1, "Program and Project Management for the Acquisition of Capital Assets," November 17, 2008. |
71 |
Bretzke, John, NNSA, LANL, Pajarito Construction Activities, June 16, 2010: 7. |
73 |
Bretzke, John, NNSA, LANL, Pajarito Construction Activities, June 16, 2010: 7. |
74 |
NNSA, FY2011 CBR, 04-D-125, CMRR: 221. |