The Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production
Business, Organization, Religious Groups
Endorsers - 244
Join us in the Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production HERE!
updated 12 Dec 2024
National Endorsers (93)
- Alaskans for the Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons / www.akhopecongress.org
- ArtAct
- Back from the Brink Coalition / preventnuclearwar.org
- Baltimore Nonviolence Center / baltimorenonviolencecenter.blogspot.com
- Baltimore Peace Action / www.Bmore4peace.org
- Blue Star Mysterium
- Catholic Worker / catholicworker.org
- Code Pink / codepink.org
- Community Peacemaker Teams, Des Moines, IA / www.cpt.org
- Conscience & Peace Tax International / peacetaxinternational.org
- Corazón Performing Arts / corazontopanga.com
- Don't Waste Michigan / dontwastemichigan.org
- Earthling Farm
- Energy Skeptic / energyskeptic.com
- Environmentalists Against War / envirosagainstwar.org
- FamilyHealing.com
- Fellowship of Reconciliation, Olympia, WA
- Gender and Radiation Impact Project / genderandradiation.org
- Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space / space4peace.org
- Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action / gzcenter.org
- HelenCaldicott.com
- Justice and Mercy Commission of Holy Faith Episcopal Church of Inglewood, CA
- LaRouche Organization / laroucheorganization.com/
- LH Legal Services Ltd
- L.I.Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives
- Loretto Community
- Martin Chilcutt, VfPeace.org
- Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns / maryknolllogc.org
- Movimiento por un Mundo sin Guerras y sin Violencia / www.mundosinguerras.cl
- No Ethics in Big Tech / NoEthicsInBigTech.com
- No More Bombs / nomorebombs.org
- Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition / nwopc.org
- Nuclear Abolition Now, Salem, OR
- Nuclear Age Peace Foundation / WagingPeace.org
- Nuclear Energy Information Service / NEIS.org
- NuclearFamine.org
- Nuclear Free Future Foundation / www.nuclear-free.com
- Nuclear Hotseat podcast/broadcast / NuclearHotseat.com
- Nuclear Information Resource Service / NIRS.org
- NukeWatch / nukewatchinfo.org
- NZ Nuclear Free Peacemakers / nuclearfreepeacemakers.org.nz
- Ohio Nuclear Free Network / onfn.org
- Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility / www.oregonpsr.org
- Our Sacred Earth / Our-Sacred-Earth.org
- Pacific Earth Institute
- Parallax Perspectives
- PAX Christi Macon
- Pax Christi Metro DC-Baltimore / www.paxchristimdcb.org/
- Pax Christi Metro New York / www.nypaxchristi.org
- Pax Christi New York State / www.paxchristinys.org
- PEAC Institute / peacinstitute.org
- Peace Action / peaceaction.org
- Peace Action Maine / peaceactionme.org
- Peace Action New York State / panys.org
- Peace Action Wisconsin / peaceactionwi.org
- Peace Plaza Salem, OR
- Peace Resource Center at Wilmington College / www.wilmington.edu/prc
- Peacemaker 360 / peacemaker360.org
- Proposition One Campaign for a Nuclear-Free Future / prop1.org
- Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center / rmpjc.org
- Sahaj Marg / heartfulness.org
- Schiller Institute, International Peace Coalition / schillerinstitute.com
- Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Office of Peace, Justice, and Ecological Integrity / www.scnj.org
- Sisters of Loretto
- Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi / lakeosfs.org
- Sisters of St. Francis of Tiffen Ohio / tiffinfranciscans.org/
- Snake River Alliance / snakeriveralliance.org
- Solidarité et Progrès
- Space4Peace.org
- SuzyTKane.com
- Tackling Torture at the Top Committee of Women Against Military Madness / womenagainstmilitarymadness.org/committees/tackling-torture-at-the-top-committee/
- The Bern Porter Institute of Advanced Thinking and Global Enlightenment
- The Nuclear Resister / nuclearresister.org
- The Schiller Institute / schillerinstitute.com
- The United Methodist Church - General Board of Church and Society / www.umcjustice.org
- Veterans for Peace, National / veteransforpeace.org
- Veterans for Peace, Spokane Chapter 35 / PJALS / spokaneveteransforpeace.org
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 80
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 100
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 120
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 178, Fort Collins, CO
- Veterans for Peace, Climate Crisis, & Mililtarism / veteransforpeace.org/take-action/climatecrisis
- Veterans for Peace, Miami Beach
- Veterans for Peace, Tucson, AZ
- Veterans for Peace, West Norriton, PA
- War Prevention Initiative / www.warpreventioninitiative.org
- Western Mass CODEPINK / www.codepink.org/westernmass
- Western States Legal Foundation / wslfweb.org
- WilmerHale
- Witness Against Torture / witnessagainsttorture.com
- Women for Peace Sweden / www.frednu.se
- Women's International League for Peace & Freedom / reachingcriticalwill.org
- World BEYOND War / worldbeyondwar.org
New Mexico Endorsers (151)
- Acequia Agua Fria
- ACU-Meditation.com
- Adelante Progressive Caucus, DPNM / adelantecaucus.org
- Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice
- Albuquerque Mennonite Church / abqmennonite.net
- Albuquerque Unitarian Universalist Fellowship / ABQUUF.org
- Alliance for the Earth / allianceforearth.org
- A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition
- Apothecary Restaurant / santafeoxygenbar.com
- Art is Gallery / artisgallerysantafe.com
- Aurora Folk Arts / aurorafolkarts.com
- Axle Contemporary / www.axleart.com
- Ayurveda Polarity Therapy & Yoga Instruction
- Bistro315
- Cactus Garden Apts
- Cafe Canyon
- Cafe Greco
- Chainbreaker Collective / chainbreaker.org
- Chocolate + Cashmere / chocolatecashmere.com
- Chris White Woodworks
- Cid’s Food Market
- Cielo Handcrafted
- Clean Taos
- Clinical Psychologist - private practice
- Cloud Cliff
- CODEPINK – Taos / codepink.org/01042020taos
- Columbia Solidarity Committee of New Mexico
- Common Ground Rising / commongroundrising.org
- Counseling New Mexico
- Crazy Red Head Productions
- Daniel Kowalski, Attorney & Counselor at Law
- Dara Mark / daramark.com
- Desert Moss Vintage / desertmossvintage.com
- Desert Son of Santa Fe
- Design Arts
- Earth Walks
- Ecoartspace / ecoartspace.org
- Edition ONE Gallery / editiononegallery.com
- El Pueblo de Abiquiu Library & Cultural Center / abiquiupl.org
- Energy Technology Training
- Environmental Justice Team, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe
- Fairholm Builders LLC
- Femme Dome Sacred Space
- Flower Hill Institute
- 4Kinship / 4kinship.com
- Gaia Mandala Global Healing Community / www.gaiamandala.net
- Gaucho Blue Fine Art Gallery / gauchoblue.com
- Global Gathering
- Glorieta Freedom Ranch
- Golden Bear Healings Arts
- Graciela Santa Fe / gracielasantafe.com
- Great Old Broads for Wilderness / greatoldbroads.org
- Green Party of New Mexico
- Greiner Consulting
- Haiku Rebel LLC
- HybridCreativePro.com
- International Relations Center, Silver City, NM
- Jemez Action Group
- Jemez Peacemakers
- Jemez Sustainable Solutions
- Keep Contemporary / keepcontemporary.com
- La Boheme / labohemesantafe.com
- La Jicarita / lajicarita.wordpress.com
- Law Offices of Thomas E. Luebben PC
- Leila Kelly, Domestic Violence Specialist
- LFC Research
- Lisa Law Productions
- Loretto Community
- Los Alamos Study Group / lasg.org
- Maher and Company
- Maize Restaurant
- MAS Comunidad / penasconm.org
- MAYA Santa Fe / mayasantafe.com
- Meow Wolf / meowwolf.com
- MichaelGregory.org
- Mil Abrazos / www.milabrazos.org
- ModNomad Studio / Casa Minka / modnomadstudio.com
- Move Into Balance / moveintobalance.com
- Native Sounds Store / sky-ortiz.squarespace.com
- New Mexico Climate Justice
- New Energy Economy / newenergyeconomy.org
- New Mexico Conference of Churches / nmchurches.org
- New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light / nm-ipl.org
- New Mexico Raging Grannies
- New Mexico Survival Programs
- Night 2 Day, LLC
- No False Solutions
- Party for Socialism and Liberation - New Mexico
- Peaceful Skies Coalition / peacefulskies.org
- People for Peace, Santa Fe, NM
- Peoples Housing Project
- PixelCircus.org
- Plant Peace Daily / plantpeacedaily.org
- Plaza del Bosque Community Cooperative
- Poem Store
- Psychesvoice
- Raging Grannies
- Red Ant Collective
- Refried Light
- Reliable Remodel
- Retake Our Democracy
- Rio Grande Valley Broadband
- Rivers Run Through Us / riversrunthroughus.org
- Robert Luke Entertainment
- Romero Farms
- Sacred Water Mountain Society
- Safety Solutions
- Safe Sets ® Initiative / www.safe-sets.com
- Sallie Bingham, author / www.salliebingham.com
- Santa Fe Ad Hoc Committee on Palestine
- Santa Fe Honey Salon / santafehoney.com
- Santa Fe Lodge #2, Independent Order of Odd Fellows / www.ioofsfnm.org/
- Seret and Sons Rugs and Furnishings / seretandsons.org
- Shakura Therapeutics
- Sisters of Loretto
- Stop the War Machine / www.stopthewarmachine.org
- Story Ranch
- Sturdevant Music Studio
- Synergistic Clothing Design
- Taos Alliance for a Free Palestine
- Taos Canyon Cannabis
- Taos Environmental Film Festival / taosenvironmentalfilmfestival.com
- Taos Jewels / taosjewels.com
- Taos Music Lab
- Taoseñas for Peaceful Skies and Futures
- Taoseños against Pits
- Taoseños for Peaceful and Livable Futures
- Tewa Women United / tewawomenunited.org
- Tewa Women United Grandmother Circle
- The Henry Winston Club
- The Inn of The Five Graces / fivegraces.com
- The Pink Giraffe of Santa Fe / thepinkgiraffeofsantafe.com
- The Vagabond Farmers
- Thubten Norbu Ling Buddhist Center / tnlsf.org
- Tribal Vision LLC
- Tune up Cafe
- Uni Drums / unidrums.com
- Unitarian Congregation of Taos / uutaos.org
- Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Fe
- U.N. Santa Fe
- UNM Leaders for Environmental Action and Foresight (LEAF) / www.unmleaf.org
- Utilities International
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 055 / vfp-santafe.org
- Veterans for Peace, Chapter 63, ABQ
- Veterans for Peace - Joan Duffy Chapter
- White Feather Artwork
- Wholly Rags / whollyrags.com
- Wildflower Playhouse / wildflowerplayhouse.org
- Wink Visual Arts
- WorldViews / WorldViews.org
- Youth United For Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA) / yuccanm.org