Table B-18
Location: Technical Area (TA) -21
Period of use: 1945 to 1952, 1968 to 1983
Size: 2.21 acres
Number and type of disposal units:
Absorption Beds (4): used for liquid wastes, approximately 120 by 20 by 6 feetSpecific wastes and quantities:
Disposal Shafts (62): 49 are 8 feet in diameter and 13 are 6 feet in diameter, depths range from 15 to 65 feet Retrievable Waste Storage Pit Sumps (4)
Estimated volume: 2,435,700 ft3Potential environmental impacts:
Includes unknown volumes of plutonium-238, plutonium-239, strontium, cesium, uranium-235, americium, and tritium. As of July 1976, beds include the following: 7 Curies (Ci) of uranium, 47 Ci of plutonium-238, 191 Ci of plutonium-239, 3,761 Ci of americium, and 3 Ci of mixed fission products (3)
DP Canyon, Los Alamos CanyonMaps:
New Mexico Environment Department's (NMED) Hazardous and Radioactive Material Bureau (HRMB) ranks this MDA as an area with a high probability of contaminant mobilization and a moderate to high potential of release to the groundwater
Figure B-25 has been removed due to illegibilty.