Table B-22
Location: Technical Area (TA)- 15
Period of use: 1965 to 1981
Size: 0.46 acres
Number and type of disposal units:
Single area of unknown sizeSpecific wastes and quantities:
Used to dispose of construction and other debris from tests at the Pulse High-Energy Radiation Machine Emitting X-Rays (PHERMEX) Contains unknown quantities of high explosive, beryllium, uranium, mercury, lead, and VOCs.Potential environmental impacts:
Canon de Valle and Portrillo CanyonMap:
New Mexico Environment Department's (NMED) Hazardous and Radioactive Material Bureau (HRMB) ranks this MDA as an area with a high probability of contaminant mobilization and a moderate to high potential of release to the groundwater.
None available.Source:
1. NMED, HRMB, Davis, et al, Hydrogeologic Evaluation of LANL, July 1996. (Back to Text)