End funding for the CMRR Nuclear Facility at Los Alamos
The proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF) is an unnecessary $4.2 billion (B) boon to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico that will help keep LANL business booming well into the future -- not just business in general but nuclear weapons production in particular.
It is a real and symbolic provocation that will undermine global efforts toward disarmament and non-proliferation.
A Modern “Pit” Factory
The CMRR project is said to replace the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research (CMR) building, an old structure that the laboratory has partially abandoned. The CMR was (and is) LANL's biggest all-purpose industrial-scale chemistry laboratory, capable of pilot production and of handling radioactive materials of all kinds. It has unique facilities which will not be replaced by CMRR (e.g. hot cells for remote handling of radioactive materials).
The “replacement” part of the CMRR name is deceptive in other ways too, given that the scope of the new facility includes a storage vault for 6 metric tons (6,000 kilograms) of plutonium, which would about triple LANL's inventory. Next door, but sharing the same security perimeter, is the existing Plutonium Facility, which contains all the necessary equipment and technology for assembling large quantities of plutonium warhead cores, known as “pits.” If funded, this project would fulfill George W. Bush’s plan to build a “modern” pit facility, capable of turning out large numbers of pits for new warheads in short order, at a rate NNSA documents suggest would be 125 pits/year, surging to 200 pits/year if necessary.
Construction began on the first and smaller of two buildings in the CMRR project in January 2006. It will be complete in 2013. Current projections estimate that the Nuclear Facility will be complete in 2022.
During the Bush Administration, project funding rose slowly. House members in particular were aware that the big buildup seemed to be at cross purposes with dwindling needs and international treaties, and questioned its overall rationale. House appropriators resisted and then denied administration funding requests, but the project was kept alive by the Senate, particularly by Republican Sen. Pete Domenici’s influence in conference committee negotiations.
Nuclear Rearmament
When the Obama administration submitted its budget proposal this year, the funding request for CMRR-NF more than doubled to $225 million (M) from the $97 million it obtained in 2009. Another increase, to $305 M, is expected for 2012.
The overall project has been marked by escalating costs -- eightfold since the project's initiation -- and by an unsettling new seismic assessment that requires extraordinary compensatory measures. If built, CMRR would become the largest public project in New Mexico history by about a factor of ten.
To add to the folly, the additional pit manufacturing capability is no longer needed, because the existing spare pit inventory provides thousands of usable backups to the decreasing stockpile. All these pits will last until at least the last decades of the century. Without CMRR-NF, LANL already has a significant pit manufacturing capability, which has been only loosely managed because there is no demand for the product. Among the sane and sensible ways to cut the federal budget, cutting the CMRR-NF is one of the best, on behalf of our country and the world.
If we do build CMRR-NF, don’t ask where the money went for the schools we need, or the climate- and business-saving infrastructure, or the health and elder-care. We will have buried our hopes for a better future in a pit on a mesa in New Mexico.
Note on CMRR costs (4/19/10): Today we realized we had been misinterpreting National Nuclear Security Administration's (NNSA's) estimated CMRR costs since February. We gave these as $5 billion (B) for the CMRR project as a whole and $4.2 B for the Nuclear Facility. NNSA's current estimates are actually $4.2 B for the project as a whole and $3.4 B for the Nuclear Facility. Our estimates for the whole project include $400 million for dismantlement and disposal of the CMR building, which is a mid-range figure escalated to today's dollars from NNSA's prior estimates. All NNSA's estimates are still preliminary and will remain so until at least 2012.
Although our data is incomplete, it appears the current estimated cost of the CMRR project is equal to all cumulative spending at Site Y and LASL, in constant 2010 dollars, from 1943 through 1954 (11 years). During this period atomic bombs were first developed, tested, and produced (all stockpile pits were produced at Los Alamos up to 1949), three plutonium facilities were built in Los Alamos to support these activities (Building D, DP Site, and CMR), fission bombs were rapidly miniaturized, and the first hydrogen bombs were developed, tested, and deployed.
The cost of all the plutonium-related facility upgrades presently underway is somewhat more than CMRR costs and is roughly equal to all cumulative Los Alamos spending for its first 13 years, from 1943 to 1956.
LASG archive on plutonium pit production and related issues - A print media history of the public debate about plutonium pit production at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nov 1989 - Dec 2006.
NNSA NEPA documents for CMRR
CMRR-NF Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), Aug 2011
CMRR Supplement Analysis (SA), Aug 17, 2010
CMRR SA, Jan 2005
CMRR Final EIS, Nov 2003
LANL semi-annual
CMRR Public Meetings
LA-UR-13-28122, Sep 25, 2012, Vol-14
LA-UR-12-23038, Apr 25, 2012, Vol-13
LA-UR-11-06849, Sep 20, 2011, Vol-12
LA-UR-11-03155, Mar 10, 2011, Vol-11
LA-UR-10-08363, Oct 6, 2010, Vol-10
CMRR_Public_Mtg_Mar 3, 2010
audio files -
(courtesy Robin Collier, Cultural Energy).
Q&A #1
Q&A #2
Rick Holmes presentation
Steve Fong presentation
other presentations
LA-UR-10-02173, Mar 2010, Vol-9
LA-UR-10-00676, Sep 2009, Vol-8
LA-UR-09-02749, Mar 2009, Vol-7
LA-UR-09-00620, Sep 2008, Vol-6
LA-UR-08-04500, Mar 2008, Vol-5
LA-UR-08-0357, Sep 2007, Vol-4
LA-UR-07-3583, Mar 2007, Vol-3
LA-UR-07-0684, Sep 2006, Vol-2
LA-UR-06-6199, Mar 2006, Vol-1
Recent bulletins, analyses, and news
March 2014
- Study Group formally drops CMRR-NF lawsuit, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Mar 28, 2014
February 2013
- After CMRR-NF delay, LANL proposes going small to meet Pu needs, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Feb 22, 2013
- U.S. Nuclear Lab Ready to Shelve Costly Facility Plan, Global Security Newswire, Feb 22, 2013
January 2013
- (not previously posted) Memo to Congress re: environmental testing of pits, Oct 10, 2012
- Bill includes CMRR funding, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 5, 2013
- Los Alamos Study Group press release: President signs FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act, Jan 3, 2013
December 2012
- Bulletin #163: Invitation, Dec 28, 2012
- Bulletin #162: Thank you for your support this year; good news, Dec 26, 2012
Our best CMRR resources, Feb 22, 2012 |
Pajarito corridor project map Sep 2011 |
Ways to Work in Solidarity with Us |
Aug 10, 2011 appeal (contains good précis of the CMRR project) |
Nov 21, 2011 appeal (update with new talking points) |
Reasons Not to Build, or to Delay CMRR-NF, Mello, paper, May 22, 2011 |
Conservative Rio Grande Foundation teamed with Study Group to oppose CMRR-NF |
Recent op-eds on CMRR-NF from other organizations |
Older but still relevant |
U.S. Plutonium "Pit" Production: Additional Facilities, Production Restart are Unnecessary, Costly and Provocative, Mar 2, 2010 |
Delusion and Deception in Large Infrastructure Projects: Two Models for Explaining & Preventing Executive Disaster, Flyvbjerg, Garbulo, Lovallo, California Management Review, Vol. 51, No. 2 Winter 2009 |
LANS in 2008: CMRR-NF may be "cost prohibitive," Apr 5, 2008 |
Potential Savings from Reform of DOE Nuclear Weapons Stewardship and from Nuclear Stockpile Reductions, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Volume 5, Issue 2, Article 2, Spring 1999 |
What did they know & when did they know it? "Earthquake Potential Puts LANL Plutonium Facilities at Risk," Jan 29, 1997 |
LANL/LLNL Plutonium Pit Manufacturing Unit Process Separation Options for Rapid Reconstitution, UCRL-LR-125078, Sep 6, 1996 |
- Congress tries CPR on CMRR, Los Alamos Monitor, Dec 21, 2012
- Panel Pushes New Lab At LANL, Albuquerque Journal North, Dec 20, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group press release, FY2013 Defense Authorization Conference Bill Powerfully Advances Nuclear Weapons Contractors, Dec 19, 2012
- Los Alamos says plutonium study doesn't negate need for pit manufacturing, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 14, 2012
- Study Group's letter to Congress re: plutonium sustainment, Dec 12, 2012
- Research shows nuke weapon pits age gracefully, Los Alamos Monitor, Dec 8, 2012
- Lawrence Livermore analysis suggests 150-year plutonium life, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 7, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group press release, Plutonium in Warhead Cores (“Pits”) Stable to 150 Years, Dec 6, 2012
- Bulletin #161: Brief report from DC, Dec 3, 2012
- Administration vows to veto CMRR funding, Los Alamos Monitor, Dec 1, 2012
November 2012
- LANL Security Fix Now At $41M, Albuquerque Journal North, Nov 9, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group letter to Congress, re: NNSA plutonium sustainment and reforms needed, Nov 8, 2012
October 2012
- HASC wants CMRR decision reassessed Lab: Project has been deferred by NNSA and administration, Los Alamos Monitor, Oct 20, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group press release: House Armed Services Committee Rejects Administration's Request To Use Leftover Plutonium Facility Funds To Implement New Plan, Oct 12, 2012
- House Armed Services Committee Not on Board with CMRR Reprogramming, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Oct 12, 2012
- Bulletin #158: CMRR-NF is no longer feasible. Why, and what now?, Oct 1, 2012
September 2012
- Costly LANL project falling farther from realization, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 30, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group letter to Congress re: DOE Reprogramming Request of 9/13/12 concerning NNSA plutonium sustainment, Sep 28, 2012
- As LANL closes out CMRR-NF, some in Congress look to keep project alive, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Sep 28, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group comments on CMRR and meeting announcement, KSFR radio, (begins at 8.00, ends 15.15), Sep 26, 2012
- Bulletin #157: Public talk and discussion this coming Wednesday in Santa Fe, Sep 24, 2012
August 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group letter to the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, Aug 20, 2012
- Anti-nuclear activists question plan for shipping plutonium from warheads to New Mexico, Associated Press, Aug 22, 2012
- Bulletin #155: Apparent calm hides ongoing nuclear policy struggles; for we citizens, what next?, Aug 21, 2012
- NNSA Plutonium Sustainment Programs: Easliy Forgotten Discussion Points, Aug 13, 2012
- As plutonium options become more clear, Kehler softens concern, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Aug 10, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group: Comments on the “60-day study” from Los Alamos National Security (LANS), LLC, for warhead plutonium sustainment, Aug 8, 2012
- LANL Plan B [said to] Cost $800M, Albuquerque Journal North, August 8, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group: CMRR cost history, Aug 8, 2012
- Former STRATCOM Chief stands by comments on pit production boost, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Aug 3, 2012
- Senior DoD official raises questions about possible move of UPF, CMRR-NF, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Aug 3, 2012
July 2012
- DNFSB raises new concerns about Los Alamos plutonium facility, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 27, 2012
- Former STRATCOM chief, Los Alamos square off over pit production, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 27, 2012
- Senator: Cost of B61 refurbishment skyrockets to as much as $10 billion, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 27, 2012
- Senators Bingaman & Udall letter to Energy Secretary Chu re: CMRR-NF, Jul 26, 2012
- Eight Senators push to resurrect funding for CMRR-NF (related news)
- Letter from Senator Kyl & 7 other senators to Defense Secretary Panetta re: CMRR-NF, Jun 29, 2012
- Eight senators fight for CMRR; Lab: Delegation urges Panetta to resurrect project, Los Alamos Monitor, Jul 25, 2012
- Senators Appeal to Pentagon to Push for Revival of CMRR-NF Project, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 20, 2012
- Eight Senators Beg Administration to Build Plutonium Warhead Facility at LANL – against Wishes of DoD, Military, NNSA, and DOE, press release, Jul 20, 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group: Concerns regarding CMRR-NF in the FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) as reported in the Senate, Jul 16, 2012
- STRATCOM Chief backs CMRR-NF Deferral, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 13, 2012
- LANL "60-day study" for Plutonium Sustainment without CMRR-NF(related news)
- CMRR Background Briefing to Senate Foreign Relations Staff, Craig Leasure, Jun 19, 2012
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Weapons Program, Laboratory Director Update, LANS/LLNS Mission Committee, Jonathan S. Ventura, Jun 2012
- Los Alamos Study Group: Comments on the “60-day study” from Los Alamos National Security (LANS), LLC, for warhead plutonium sustainment, Aug 8, 2012
- LANL Plan B [said to] Cost $800M, Albuquerque Journal North, August 8, 2012
- Bulletin #153: Reminder about tonight's meeting; concerns re the Senate version of Defense Authorization Act, Jul 17, 2012
- Oversight board questions nuke lab radiation risk, Associated Press, Jul 12, 2012
- Bulletin #152: Upcoming public meetings and issue discussions! Jul 11, 2012
- State’s Clout Crucial In Lab Funding Fight, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 1, 2012
- NM's Nuke Dilemma, Albuquerque Journal North, Jul 1, 2012
June 2012
- With Uncertainty in Congress on CMRR, Project Faces Murky Future, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jun 29, 2012
- Left-Right Coalition Joins to Voice Opposition to CMRR-NF, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jun 29, 2012
- CMRR Background Briefing to Senate Foreign Relations Staff, Craig Leasure, Jun 19, 2012
- Bulletin #151: Invitation to solstice dinner fundraiser & discussion in Santa Fe; congressional update, Jun 13, 2012
- Nuclear Time Warp, New York Times, editorial, Jun 10, 2012
- Competing agendas vie over future of CMRR, Los Alamos Monitor, Jun 9, 2012
- House Spending Bill Diverges From Earlier Measure on Nuclear Facility, Global Security Newswire, Jun 8, 2012
- Lab Directors Urged Plutonium Facility Delay: Former White House Aide, Global Security Newswire, Jun 5, 2012
- Potential amendment to H.R. 5325, the Energy & Water Appropriations bill, letter to Congressional colleagues, Jun 4, 2012
- Los Alamos National Laboratory Weapons Program, Laboratory Director Update, LANS/LLNS Mission Committee, Jonathan S. Ventura, Jun 2012
May 2012
- Bulletin #150: Your help is wanted immediately: nuclear warhead spending amendments are being considered on the House floor tonight and tomorrow – please call or write your representative as soon as possible, May 31, 2012
- Senate Panel Moves to Maintain Funding for Los Alamos Plutonium Lab, Global Security Newswire, May 29, 2012
- LANL Lab Could Get Funded, Albuquerque Journal North, May 27, 2012
- More questions in next chapter of CMRR saga, Los Alamos Monitor, May 26, 2012
- Senate Committee would Mandate Construction of Huge Additional Los Alamos Plutonium Facility over Pentagon, NNSA Objections, press release, May 25, 2012
- Letter to Senate Armed Services Committee re: The nuclear weapons provisions of H.R. 4310, May 18, 2012
- Ohio Rep. pushes funding move,CMRR: Opponents say effort doomed to fail, Los Alamos Monitor, May 11, 2012
April 2012
- Bulletin #148: CMRR update, Apr 25, 2012
- Senate Proposes $160 Million Alternative to $6 Billion Plutonium Project, press release, Apr 24, 2012
- Bulletin #147: “Twilight of the nuclear gods:” talk tomorrow (4/12/12) in Albuquerque
March 2012
- LANL doth protest too much: need for employment reduction exaggerated, press release, Mar 23, 2012
- Bulletin #146: Fundraising request (donors – thank you!); new developments and press coverage; next steps, Mar 10, 2012
- Activist's experience, passion culminate in LANL project delay, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 10, 2012
February 2012
- Our best CMRR resources, Feb 22, 2012
- Bulletin #145: Study Group meetings in Albuquerque (Tues), Santa Fe (Wed) and Taos (Thurs), Feb. 21, 22, 23.
- Low Tax Rates for the Rich Harm Not Only the Economy, But Defense, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Feb 16, 2012
- The imperial overstretch of a debt-ridden empire collapses, The Light of New Mexico, complete issue here, Feb 15, 2012
- Bulletin #144:CMRR Nuclear Facility delayed “at least 5 years,” budget for next year zeroed, Feb 14, 2012
- Nuclear Pit Boondoggle at Los Alamos Temporarily Scuttled, Foreign Policy in Focus, Feb 14, 2012
- UPF GETS BOOST IN FY13 BUDGET, CMRR-NF PROJECT DEFERRED, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Special Budget Edition, Feb 14, 2012
- CMRR to be deferred five years Lab: Critics, though, believe this marks the end of the project, Los Alamos Monitor, Feb 14, 2012
- Starving the Real Beast, Counterpunch, Darwin BondGraham, Feb 14, 2012
- Sandia Wins, LANL Loses In Fed Nuke Proposal, Albuquerque Journal, Feb 14, 2012
- Obama budget puts Los Alamos facility on hold, Associated Press, Feb 13, 2012
- NNSA delays proposed plutonium warhead plant "for at least five years," press release #2, Feb 13, 2012
- BREAKING NEWS: Proposed Plutonium Expansion at Los Alamos To Be "Indefinitely Deferred" in Today's Budget Request, Trade Publication Reports, press release, Feb 13, 2012
- Bulletin #143: Tomorrow's budget request: the CMRR-NF is in trouble, Feb 12, 2012
- Multibillion Los Alamos Project Threatened, Albuquerque Journal, Feb 12, 2012
January 2012
- Bulletin #142: Trade journal: “massive cut” to CMRR expected, Jan 22, 2012
- POGO: CMRR funding should be slashed; Lab: Report raises many questions about the project, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 21, 2012
- Los Alamos Bracing for Big Cut to CMRR-NF in FY2013 Budget Request, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jan 20, 2012
- Bulletin #141: POGO releases excellent CMRR report; DC trip report: tide against CMRR running stronger than ever, Jan 18, 2012
- U.S. Nuclear Weapons Complex: Energy Department Plans to Waste Billions of Dollars on Unneeded Los Alamos Lab Facility, Project On Government Oversight (POGO), Jan 18, 2012
- Bulletin #140: Administration Hints at Smaller Nuclear Force Amid Wider Defense Cutbacks, Jan 8, 2012
- Administration Hints at Smaller Nuclear Force Amid Wider Defense Cutbacks, press release, Jan 5, 2012
December 2011
- Bulletin #139: NNSA, LANL “tight-lipped” re spending $170 M on CMRR-NF this year; thank you all; what you can do TODAY, Dec 31, 2011
- Congress yanks cash away from New Mexico nuke lab, Associated Press, (Canadian Business), Dec 24, 2011
- LANL’s New Plutonium Lab Delayed, Albuquerque Journal North, Dec 24, 2011
- Bulletin #137: Solstice greetings: on CMRR, real progress but a long way to go; our plans for 2012; please help financially if you can, and thank you for all your support, Dec 21, 2011
- The Year's End Brings Real Disarmament That You Can Touch and Feel, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Dec 21, 2011
- Budget bill approved by House cuts spending for nuke lab, prohibits construction, Associated Press, Dec 16, 2011
- Bulletin #136: Appropriations bill slashes funding for new plutonium lab at Los Alamos, disallows construction in FY2012, Dec 16, 2011
- Appropriations bill slashes funding for new plutonium lab at Los Alamos, disallows construction, in FY2012, press release, Dec 16, 2011
- Defense authorization bill would slash FY2012 funding for new plutonium lab at Los Alamos, press release, Dec 14, 2011
- Overdose. Is LANL exposing the public to excessive risk?, Santa Fe Reporter, Wren Abbott, Dec 7, 2011
- "Gateway to a Bleak and Hopeless World," Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Dec 7, 2011
- Brief remarks re CMRR-NF as an economic development engine, and alternatives, Mello, Dec 5, 2011
- Debate over $6B Los Alamos nuke lab, Associated Press, Dec 5, 2011 (By noon 12/05/11, Google News reported that the article had been carried by 183 outlets.)
- Nuclear Money Pit, America's atomic arsenal is stuck in the Cold War era, The American Conservative, Dec 2011
November 2011
- Tenth Circuit Allows Appeal of New Mexico Decision That Allowed Los Alamos Plutonium Facility to Proceed, press release, Nov 29, 2011
- Bulletin #135: Toward defeat of CMRR: progress and portents, Nov 28, 2011
- LANL Project an Unsafe Taxpayer Boondoggle, Albuquerque Journal, Peter Neils, Nov 27, 2011
- DOE Auditor Calls for Restructuring National Labs, Global Security Newswire, Nov 18, 2011
- Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) public hearing in Santa Fe concerning Los Alamos National Laboratory, Nov 17, 2011
- Oversight board questions adequacy of LANL efforts to protect against quake, Associated Press, Nov 17, 2011
- A Nuclear Facility We Don’t Need, New York Times, Greg Mello, op-ed, Nov 14, 2011
- Bulletin #134: Public talk and Q&A Wednesday, November 16, 7 pm, Santa Fe, Nov 13, 2011
- Nuclear Weapons Projects Don't Even Qualify as Pork, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Nov 5, 2011
October 2011
- Bulletin #133: Making some headway – Request for help, Oct 31, 2011
- The Bloated Nuclear Weapons Budget, New York Times, editorial, Oct 29, 2011
- S.F. [Santa Fe] businesses oppose proposed plutonium lab, The New Mexican, Oct 22, 2011
- Bulletin #132: Study Group files second lawsuit to halt proposed $6 billion bomb factory, Oct 22, 2011
- Watchdog files second lawsuit over proposed Los Alamos plutonium lab, Associated Press, Oct 21, 2011
- Nuclear Weapons Policy Group Files Second Lawsuit to Halt Proposed $6 Billion Los Alamos Plutonium Building NEPA lawsuit seeks review of simpler, cheaper alternatives, press release, Oct 21, 2011
- Los Alamos Study Group to file new CMRR-NF lawsuit, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Oct 21, 2011
- Paving Over the Money Pit of Nuclear Weapons Spending, Russ Wellen, Foreign Policy in Focus, Oct 19, 2011
- Nuclear Connections, Andrew Lichterman, Fall 2011
- Santa Fe Businesses full-page ad in Santa Fe New Mexican Pasatiempo magazine, Oct 14, 2011
- Nuclear Weapons Agency Reports Prior Decision to Build Huge Plutonium Facility at Los Alamos Still On Track, Press Release, Oct 13, 2011
September 2011
- Mary-Charlotte Domandi, KSFR Radio Café, Greg Mello, (mp3) Sep 28, 2011
- Bulletin #131: Q&A on proposed new plutonium warhead complex, tomorrow (Wed. 9/28/11), 8:00 am MDT on KSFR and streaming, Sep 27, 2011
- Letter to Congress, The Energy and Water conference and the question of whether or not to provide CMRR-NF construction and procurement funds for FY2012, Sep 20, 2011
- Bulletin #130: Report from Washington, in Santa Fe on Wed: NNSA sailing straight into fiscal hurricane; fate of Los Alamos production complex uncertain amidst overall folly, Sep 18, 2011
- Trying to prop up nuke lab budgets, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 13, 2011
- New Mexico District Court Dismisses Challenge to Nuclear Pit Facility Based on Doctrine of “Prudential Mootness," Tom Hnasko, Sep 12, 2011
- Bulletin #129 (for New Mexicans): Rep. Heinrich asks Obama to increase warhead spending, bypass pending cuts, Sep 11, 2011
-- Letter to President Obama Rep. Heinrich & Rep. Turner, Sep 12, 2011 courtesy ABQ Journal
-- FY2013 guidance memo from Office of Management & Budget, Aug 17, 2011
-- Letter to House Armed Services Committee from Rep. Heinrich, et.al., Feb 8, 2011
- Bulletin #128: Senate funders would (re-)start construction of $6 billion plutonium fortress in Los Alamos but cut back next year's budget somewhat, Sep 8, 2011
- Press background and update on CMRR-NF, Sep 4, 2011
August 2011
- Pit Stop, US House budget would curtail LANL funding, Santa Fe Reporter, Aug 31, 2011
- Bulletin #126: Thanks to many, we had a wonderful benefit evening last week; the next events are September 27 (Santa Fe) & 28 (Albuquerque), Aug 29, 2011
- NNSA Issues Final SEIS for Nuclear Facility Part of CMRR project, Los Alamos Monitor, Aug 27, 2011
- CMRR would be starting point of new arms race, Santa Fe New Mexican, Willem Malten, Aug 27, 2011
- Nuclear facility plans continue, Albuquerque Journal North, Aug 27, 2011
- NNSA publishes "supplemental" EIS for evolving Los Alamos plutonium megaproject, press release, Aug 26, 2011
- Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Nuclear Facility portion of the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Building Replacement project at Los Alamos National Laboratory, DOE/EIS 0350-S1, Aug 2011
- Bulletin #125: "What Can I Do?" Aug 22, 2011
- Bulletin #124: Invitation to fundraising event and another CMRR resource, Aug 17, 2011
July 2011
- Bulletin #122: Work session tomorrow evening in Santa Fe (Tues, Jul 26th) re the proposed plutonium warhead factory at Los Alamos, Jul 25, 2011
- CMRR talk in Los Alamos, [Speaker's notes & most references are included on slides as necessary. Scroll over symbol in upper left corner to view.] Jul 19, 2011
- Bulletin #121: Study Group to host discussion Tuesday evening in Los Alamos regarding proposed plutonium facility, Jul 17, 2011
- Bulletin #120: Study Group Resumes Litigation against Proposed $6 Billion LANL Plutonium Facility, Press Release, Jul 1, 2011
- Los Alamos Lawsuit Appeal Filed, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 1, 2011
June 2011
- Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DSEIS) for the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF), DOE/EIS-0350-S1, Comments, Part 1, Jun 28, 2011
- Bulletin #119: Las Conchas Fire: business as usual is over for our society; public discussion, Jun 27, 2011
- Even Their Beloved Nukes Don't Escape Republican Infatuation With Cost-Cutting, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Jun 19, 2011
- House panel cuts budget for LANL nuke facility, Lab foes: Bill is vindication after project's court victory, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 16, 2011
- CMRR faces possible budget cut, Appropriation Committee recommends a $100 million reduction in funding next year, Los Alamos Monitor, Jun 16, 2011
- Bulletin 118: House Appropriations Committee slashes $100 million from huge proposed plutonium facility at Los Alamos, press release, Jun 15, 2011
- Bulletin #117: No meeting tomorrow; new CMRR resources; House likely to propose warhead spending cut, Jun 6, 2011
May 2011
- Critics line up against LANL plutonium lab, Associated Press, May 27, 2011
- Fukushima Be Damned, Federal Court Brushes Off Seismic Nuke Risks, Common Dreams, also: Foreign Policy in Focus, May 25, 2011
- LANL: Request to halt work on nuke facility denied, The New Mexican, May 24, 2011
- Plutonium Lab Work Gets Go-Ahead, Albuquerque Journal, May 24, 2011
- Bulletin #116: Federal Judge Rules In Favor of Continuing Los Alamos Nuclear Project Without Applicable Environmental Impact Statement, Dismisses Environmental Lawsuit, press release, May 23, 2011
- Federal judge throws out case challenging new Los Alamos National Laboratory nuclear building, Associated Press, May 23, 2011
- U.S. District Judge Judith C. Herrera's MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER, May 23, 2011
- Raise Your Hand if You Think the Expansion of Our Nuclear-Industrial Complex Escapes Iran, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, May 23, 2011
- Bulletin #115: XSEIS the SEIS -- why not try democracy? -- and some new resources, May 22, 2011
- Reasons Not to Build, or to Delay CMRR-NF, Mello, paper, May 22, 2011
- LANL Facility a Costly Sham, Neils, Albuquerque Journal, op-ed, May 22, 2011
- On a Narrow Mesa, Mello, KUNM op-ed (MP3), May 20, 2011
- Nuclear Horizon, Santa Fe Reporter, May 18, 2011
- Bulletin #114: Santa Fe meetings continue Tuesday pm; Albuquerque meetings discontinued (please volunteer with us instead!); boycott the sham SEIS "hearings," take REAL action instead, May 15, 2011
- No Decision on CMRR-NF as Gov't, Activist Group Duke it out in Court, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, May 7, 2011
- Bulletin #113: Report on the recent hearing; the need for discernment, May 6, 2011
- No Decision Yet in CMRR Lawsuit, A Special Bulletin from the Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, May 5, 2011
- NUCLEAR POLICY: Foes of N.M. plutonium lab await judge's decision, Greenwire, May 3, 2011
- Fate of LANL building rests in judge's hands, The New Mexican, May 2, 2011
- Bulletin #112: Hearing continues tomorrow at 9am, May 1, 2011
- NO LASG SEMINARS on MON, MAY 2nd & Tues, MAY 3rd
April 2011
- NNSA defends decision to stay the course on CMRR-NF, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Apr 29, 2011
- Congressman Stearns to Sec. Chu letter: Is LANS the right contractor for CMRR-NF?, Apr 27, 2011
- Gregory Mello, prepared testimony, (references) Apr 27, 2011
- Frank von Hippel, prepared testimony, (references) Apr 27, 2011
- NNSA issues impact statement in advance of court challenge, Los Alamos Monitor, Apr 23, 2011
- Officials back Los Alamos National Laboratory building design in environmental analysis, The New Mexican, Apr 22, 2011
- HEARING WED, APR 27TH -- NO SEMINARS on Mon, Apr 25th & Tues, Apr 26th
- Lawsuit seeking simpler, cheaper, safer alternatives to Los Alamos plutonium bomb factory goes to court next Wednesday, press release, Apr 22, 2011
- Bulletin #111: Seminars tomorrow and Tuesday; and “What you can do to stop the proposed LANL plutonium complex," Apr 18, 2011
- Old AEC memo against maintaining Los Alamos as a "permanent principal weapons research center," Jun 29, 1950
- Comment on New Mexican article, "Six decades after Trinity Site blast...," Mello, Apr 17, 2011
- LANL's Earthquake Study 'A Big Deal,' Albuquerque Journal Santa Fe, Apr 16, 2011
- Hearing set in challenge to Los Alamos building, Associated Press, Apr 15, 2011
- U.S. District Court to hear CMRR case, Los Alamos Monitor, Apr 13, 2011
- Bulletin #110: Seminars this Monday and Tuesday evenings: Status of the proposed plutonium storage, processing, and manufacturing complex at Los Alamos, citizens' roles, Apr 10, 2011
March 2011
- Bulletin #107, Correspondence with Congressional decisionmakers, Mar 21, 2011
- Thanks to Fukushima, Light Shed on US Nuclear Facility Located on a Volcano, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, Mar 21, 2011
- Hearing on Objections and Motion for Preliminary Injunction is RESET for WED, APR 27, 2011 at 09 A.M. 1/2 day is allotted for this hearing. (Entered: 03/01/2011)
February 2011
- NOTICE OF HEARING TUES, MAR 15, 2011 AT 9 A.M. before The Honorable Judith C. Herrera, U.S. District Judge, U.S. Courthouse, 333 Lomas Boulevard N.W., “Brazos” Courtroom, Albuquerque, NM, (filed Feb 24, 2011)
January 2011
- Town of Taos resolution asking for EIS for CMRR-NF, Jan 25, 2011
- Town of Taos requests new EIS for proposed new plutonium facility at LANL; Study Group litigation concludes the initial briefing and evidence process, LASG press release, Jan 26, 2011
- Complete re-think of Los Alamos Pit Factory Needed, Frank von Hippel, Jan 6, 2011
- Collapse of Value and Need for Alternatives to CMRR-NF, LASG letter to Congressional Committees, Dec 28, 2010
December 2010
- GAO letter to Daniel B. Poneman, Deputy Secretary of Energy, (posted this week), Jul 6, 2010
- Arms Treaty Rains Dollars, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 28, 2010
- NNSA Details [Alleged] Harmful Impacts of CMRR-NF Injunction, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 27, 2010
- Excerpts from Correspondence with Secretary Chu's CMRR-NF/UPF Review Panel, Dec 22, 2010
- Partial update, new resources, and request for your financial support, LASG Bulletin #105, Dec 17, 2010
- Los Alamos' Proposed Plutonium Pit Palace, frequently asked questions, Dec 13, 2010 (update)
- Environmental Assessment for the Proposed CMR Building Upgrades, Feb 4, 1997
- The Proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF): New Realities Call for New Thinking, Mello, Dec 10, 2010
- LANL Has $6.4 Billion Disarmament Question, Albuquerque Journal, Neils, op-ed, Dec 1, 2010
- County urges new LANL statement from feds, The New Mexican, article, Dec 1, 2010
November 2010
- Reminder! Important! Santa Fe County takes up question of environmental impact analysis for plutonium complex, LASG Bulletin #104, Nov 29, 2010
- The Front Line of Disarmament: Blocking a Nuclear Facility Six Times the Cost of the Manhattan Project, Foreign Policy in Focus, Russ Wellen, blog, Nov 29, 2010 (also here: Counterpunch, The Faster Times, The Huffington Post, Scholars & Rogues, Newshoggers, and the Agonist.)
- Progress in Defining Nuclear Modernization Requirements, Senators Jon Kyl and Bob Corker, memo, Nov 24, 2010
- Think before embracing Obama’s nuclear weapons juggernaut, LASG Bulletin #103, Nov 23, 2010
- Study Group Files for CMRR-NF Injunction, Nuclear Weapons and Materials Monitor, Nov 22, 2010
- U.S. Plutonium "Pit" Production: Additional Facilities, Production, Restart are Unnecessary, Costly, and Provocative, Mello, paper, (published on website Nov 20, 2010, update sent to Congress Mar 2, 2010)

RLUOB construction in the early stages, looking east. The face of the excavation shown is about 40' tall. CMRR-NF will require a pit at least three times this deep - a challenging problem on this crowded site.
CMRR-NF will require many times more construction materials than the RLUOB.
- CMRR-NF SEIS scoping comments, Nov 20, 2010
- Update to the National Defense Authorization Act of FY2010 Section 1251 Report, New START Treaty Framework and Nuclear Force Structure Plans, Nov 2010
- Nuclear Spending Plan Up, Albuquerque Journal, Nov 19, 2010
- Environmental concerns circle LANL project, The New Mexican, Nov 15, 2010
- NNSA halts procurement on plutonium warhead factory, "modernization" centerpiece at Los Alamos, LASG Press Release, Nov 15, 2010
- LASG letter to Senators re: CMRR-NF, Nov 15, 2010
- Procurements Related to CMRR-NF Process on Hold Due to NEPA Review, Nuclear Weapons Materials Monitor, Nov 15, 2010
- LASG files motion to halt CMRR-NF; procurements suspended; White House promises $820 M/year more to nuke labs, plants, LASG Bulletin #102, Nov 13, 2010
- Council: Study impact of pit facility, The New Mexican, article, Nov 11, 2010
- LANL's Plutonium Pit Palace, What You Can Do to STOP it, 2-page flyer for your use, Nov 9, 2010
- Local governments, tribes, and Los Alamos residents are beginning to question the $6 billion nuclear factory proposed for Los Alamos, LASG Bulletin #101, Nov 7, 2010
- Study Group Fights Motion to Dismiss CMRR Suit, Nuclear Weapons and Materials Monitor, Nov 1, 2010
October 2010
- START: Arms Affirmation Treaty, Foreign Policy in Focus, Darwin BondGraham, article, Oct 29, 2010, also on Common Dreams.
- Secretary of Energy Initiates Additional Review of UPF, CMRR-NF, and As New Enviro. Review of CMRR-NF Starts, Fed says NEPA Base Strong, Nuclear Weapons and Materials Monitor, Oct 25, 2010
- Study Group attorneys file response to DOE effort to quash lawsuit, DOE Secretary to initiate new study of LANL nuke facility, LASG Bulletin #100, Oct 22, 2010
- Study Group's (plaintiff's) response to DOE/NNSA's motion to dismiss, Oct 21, 2010
- The illegitimate scoping hearings for the big new nuke weapons plant are upon us, tomorrow and Wednesday. Please go, or comment, or both – but the real action is elsewhere, LASG Bulletin #99, Oct 18, 2010
- Lawmakers Back Nuclear Weapons Budget Boost, Global Security Newswire, article, Oct 4, 2010
- Nuclear funding gets boost, Associated Press, article, Oct 2, 2010
- Huge "emergency" funding increase for nuke labs today, LASG press release, Oct 1, 2010
- NNSA promises "supplemental" EIS for massive Los Alamos facility; would bull forward on project regardless, LASG press release, Oct 1, 2010
September 2010
- Administration admits environmental analysis of LANL weapons facility is insufficient, LASG Bulletin #98, Sep 28, 2010
- How you can Help Stop the proposed Nuclear Facility at LANL, Sep 28, 2010
- Sample letter to local government officials to request a new EIS for the CMRR Nuclear Facility, Sep 27, 2010
- Sample letter from local government officials to request a new EIS for the CMRR Nuclear Facility, Sep 27, 2010
- NNSA plans new CMRR environmental analysis, but group won't drop suit,Nuclear Weapons and Materials Monitor, Sep 27, 2010
- New Study of LANL Project Planned in Light of Lawsuit, Albuquerque Journal North, Sep 23, 2010
- In response to lawsuit, nuke agency admits huge plutonium bomb facility needs additional environmental analysis, press release, Sep 23, 2010
- Lab, watchdog group spar over nuclear facility, Feds urge dismissal of environment suit, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 22, 2010
- FY 2011 proposed continuing resolution weapons activities spending increase, Sep 2010
- Letter from the Study Group in response to the DOJ ltr addressing the lawsuit, Sep 22, 2010
- Letter from the Department of Justice in response to LASG lawsuit, Sep 17, 2010
- LANL Proposal Needs New Study, Albuquerque Journal, Willem Malten, op-ed, Sep 5, 2010
August 2010
- What's Behind the CMRR Facility & the US Nuclear Weapons Industry, (mpg) Darwin BondGraham, presentation, Aug 28, 2010 (thanks to Robin Collier, Cultural Energy)
- Los Alamos Study Group files suit over LANL plutonium facility, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, article, Aug 30, 2010
- "New START", the proposed CMRR Nuclear Facility and the LASG lawsuit against the DOE and NNSA, Op-Ed News, Malten, article, Aug 27, 2010
- Shooting an Arrow at the Beating Heart of Nuclear Weapons, The Faster Times, blog, Aug 24, 2010 (also here: Foreign Policy in Focus, blog, Aug 23, 2010)
- CMRR litigation: One simple thing you can do to help, LASG Bulletin #97, Aug 22, 2010
- Nuke lawsuit part of bigger battle, Los Alamos Monitor, Aug 19, 2010
- Greens Sue To Stop New Plutonium Plant At Los Alamos Lab, Energy Daily, article, Aug 18, 2010
- Nuke Pit Facility Just Make-Work Project, Albuquerque Journal, Neils, op-ed, Aug 18, 2010
- Sen. Udall responds as nuke group sues government, KSFR - Santa Fe Public Radio, Aug 17, 2010
- Suit Targets Plutonium Lab, Albuquerque Journal North, also in the main Albuquerque Journal, Aug 17, 2010.
- Suit filed against Los Alamos, The Great Beyond, blog, Aug 17, 2010
- Los Alamos Study Group files lawsuit against Department of Energy, NNSA, Taos HorseFly, Mello, press release, Aug 16, 2010
- Suit seeks to stop work on CMRR in Los Alamos, Atomic City Underground, blog, Aug 16, 2010
- Group files suit to halt LANL nuke facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 16, 2010
- Plutonium building at Los Alamos lab needs environmental study, San Francisco Examiner, Aug 16, 2010, also here: Global Security Newswire.
- Los Alamos Study Group's "Complaint for Declaratory Judgment and Injunctive Relief under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969," Aug 16, 2010
- Los Alamos Study Group Files Suit against Department of Energy, NNSA, to Halt Design of $4 Billion Los Alamos Bomb Factory, press release, Aug 16, 2010
July 2010
- LASG letter to Senators Kyl, et.al., Jul 30, 2010
- NNSA response to LASG letter re: proposed Nuclear Facility at LANL and necessity for new EIS, Jul 30, 2010
- It's the Pits, Los Alamos wants to spend billions for new nuke triggers, Santa Fe Reporter, Jul 21, 2010
- We can and must stop LANL's proposed plutonium lab, and here's how, LASG Bulletin #96, Jul 16, 2010
- Activist Group Calls for "Hard Look" at CMRR-NF, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 5, 2010
- Lab Watchdog Threatening Suit, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 2, 2010
- Group urges case against new facility at LANL, The New Mexican, Jul 1, 2010
- NM Group Wants Another Look At Los Alamos Building, NewsWest9.com, Associated Press, Jul 1, 2010
- A New Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is needed for the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), LASG letter of intent, Jul 1, 2010
- Citizens call on nuclear agency to abide by environmental laws, analyze impacts of proposed warhead factory and alternatives, press release, Jul 1, 2010
June 2010
- Study: CMRR is especially dispensable, Rio Grande Tribune, Snodgrass, Jun 30, 2010
- Congress Chafes Over Nuke Costs, Albuquerque Journal, Fleck, Jun 29, 2010
- Nuclear weapons accounts don't add up, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 26, 2010
- LANL management is lying about CMRR. Enough is enough. Throw the bums out, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mello, letter to the editor, Jun 25, 2010
- GAO report: Nuclear Weapons - Actions Needed to Identify Total Costs of Weapons Complex Infrastructure and Research and Production Capabilities, Jun 2010
- LANL construction forum, Española: John Bretzke - presentation; Tom McKinney - presentation, Jun 16, 2010
- LANL's construction website unveiled at the Española construction forum, Jun 16, 2010
- LANL to unveil proposed plutonium project to Española business community Wednesday, press release, Jun 15, 2010
- Large portions of Recovery Act spending fail to stimulate New Mexico's economy, press release, Jun 15, 2010 (also published in the Rio Grande Tribune.)
- Nuclear and Military Maldistribution
and Inefficient Use of Recovery Act Funds in New Mexico, Jun 15, 2010
- Presentation by Rick Holmes, LANL CMRR Division Leader to ETEBA, Energy Technology and Environmental Association, Jun 10, 2010
- LANL's latest needs closer look, Santa Fe New Mexican, Malten, Letter, Jun 9, 2010
- Please RSVP and attend LANL’s public discussion of its proposed
plutonium warhead core (“pit”) factory annex, Bulletin #95, Jun 7, 2010
- A Hole Lot of Nothing, Environmental News for New Mexicans, Snodgrass, guest blog entry, Jun 7, 2010
- Mello comment on Santa Fe New Mexican, NNSA/Winchell op-ed, Jun 7, 2010
May 2010
- Senate Armed Services Committee questions CMRR size, cart-before-horse approach; wants "truly independent" cost review.
The committee continues to believe that replacing the existing Chemical and Metallurgical Research facility is essential but that the new Chemical and Metallurgical Research Replacement (CMRR) facility has many unresolved issues including the appropriate size of the facility. CMRR will be a category I facility supporting pit operations in building PF–4. Now that the Nuclear Posture Review is completed the NNSA and the Department of Defense (DOD) are in a better position to ensure that the facility is appropriately sized. Elsewhere in this act the committee has recommended a provision to require construction project baselines and to track cost and schedule issues. The committee is very concerned that the NNSA follow the DOE 413 order series and project management and guidance. The NNSA is also directed to conduct a true independent cost estimate for the CMRR Nuclear Facility [CMRR-NF], phase III of the CMRR project. The committee is concerned that the phase III project [CMRR-NF] is being divided into multiple sub-projects. Notwithstanding this management approach the committee directs the CMRR baseline to reflect all phases and subprojects for the purposes of the cost and schedule baseline provision and to be accounted for as a single project.
FY2011 Defense Authorization Act Senate Report, pg. 274, May 27, 2010. This is report language, not law. Stay tuned.
- Bunker mentality: Is NNSA digging itself into a hole at Los Alamos?, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Mello, May 26, 2010
- Rep. Ben Ray Lujan answers a question on the CMRR at a public meeting in Taos, MP3 1.6MB, courtesy of Cultural Energy, May 22, 2010
- The US-Russia START Treaty:
Just What Does "Arms Control" Really Mean?, MRZine, BondGraham, May 20, 2010
- CMRR Executive Summary, LASG paper, May 11, 2010
- Bad Faith, NPT News in Review, pg 10, Ray Acheson, May 11, 2010
- If you Love this Planet, weekly radio show with Helen Caldicott, Mello, May 10, 2010
- Obama Administration Requests Funding to Upgrade Several Types of Nuclear Bombs, press remarks, May 7, 2010
April 2010
- Meditations for managers of the warhead complex, with emphasis on CMRR (2009), Mello, posted Apr 30, 2010
- Against Treaties, Against All Postures, BondGraham, blog, Apr 29, 2010, (see also: Deepshit Horizon: Earth Day began with a blow-out, will it end with one?, Energy Bulletin, BondGraham, blog, Apr 23, 2010)
- LANL Rebuild More Than U.S. Nuke System Needs, ABQ Journal, Mello, Op-Ed, Apr 21, 2010
- Feds should stop “Taj Majal,” Los Alamos Monitor, Mello, Gessing, Op-Ed, Apr 18, 2010
- Los Alamos Lab's CMRR-NF project would send wrong message to world, Santa Fe New Mexican, Willem Malten, Op-Ed, Apr 17, 2010
- End funding for the nuclear facility at Los Alamos, information sheet on CMRR, Apr 16, 2010
- The National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) plows ahead with a more or less $4.7B program of replacement and expansion of plutonium facilities at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Why it must be stopped.
New Mexico's Largest Public Infrastructure Investments
in Relation to Estimated CMRR Costs
(Costs are best available; dates mostly at completion; CMRR assumed to cost $4.2B)
Project |
Year |
Cost Then ($M) |
Cost in 2010 ($M)1 |
Percent CMRR |
Elephant Butte Dam, NM |
1916 |
5.2 |
222 |
5% |
Golden Gate Bridge, CA |
1937 |
35 |
850 |
20% |
San Juan Chama Diversion |
1964 |
>35 |
>272 |
>6% |
Cochiti Dam, NM |
1975 |
94.4 |
344 |
8% |
LANL TA-55 PF-4 |
1978 |
75 |
213 |
5% |
I-40 + I-25 highways, NM (treated here as one project) |
1956-1995 |
~7.4 M/mile, 2006 dollars |
Ballpark 6,666 |
159% |
Big I Interchange, Albuquerque |
2001 |
290 |
386 |
9% |
San Juan Chama drinking water project, Albuquerque |
2008 |
280 |
283 |
7% |
Railrunner Heavy Rail Extension to Santa Fe (incl. track lease) |
2008 |
~400 |
~404 |
10% |
LANL DARHT (very approximate) |
~2008 |
~400 |
~404 |
~10% |
SNL MESA Complex |
2008 |
516.5 |
522 |
12% |
[1] Costs inflated to 2008 using the "Building Cost Index," from Engineering News-Record, Which began in 1923. Elephant Butte Dam costs were inflated from 1916 to 1923 using the Consumer Price Index (CPI). CPI used from 2008 to 2010. References are omitted here; inquire for details. |
- KPFA, 94.1, hard-hitting Bay area radio interview, Mello, Apr 11, 2010
- Jim Bohannon radio show, Mello, Apr 7, 2010
- Thom Hartmann radio show, Mello, Apr 4, 2010
March 2010
- Letter from Representatives Pete Stark, Edward Markey, et.al. about cutting the CMRR and the Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) at Y-12 in favor of dismantlement, Mar 31, 2010
- Rethinking Obama's Nuclear Policy, Chicago Public Radio, WBEZ, Mello, Mar 3, 2010

This was the groundbreaking (January 13, 2006) for the RLUOB which when completed will account for less than 10% of the total CMRR cost. Neither NNSA nor Congress have approved CMRR-NF construction.
- Chemistry Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project Primer, Dec 21, 2009 updated edition. This is the single most complete resource on CMRR we have.
- Defense Safety Board Strongly Criticizes Seismic Safety at Los Alamos Plutonium Facility, LASG press release, Oct 27, 2009
- Don't Build a Plutonium "Bridge to Nowhere," Albuquerque Journal, Mello, Op-Ed, May 17, 2009
- Administration to Slow LANL Plutonium "Pit" Factory, Cut Nuke Weapons Budget at LANL, LASG press release, May 7, 2009
- Obama Administration to Release First Nuclear Weapons Budget, LASG press release, May 7, 2009
- Nuclear “Consolidation” Network Proposes
Southwest Nuclear Weapons Complex, LASG press release, Apr 7, 2009
- Brief Partial Update on the Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement (CMRR) Project at LANL, Mello, paper, Jan 28,2009
- Administration Signals Nuclear Weapons Complex Preferences; Plan Calls for Billions in Weapons Plant Construction, LASG press release, Oct 9, 2008
- House, Senate Largely Endorse Bush Nuke Plans in Defense Authorization Bill, LASG press release, Sep 24, 2008
- Senate energy and water panel faces today's national security and economic emergencies largely on autopilot, LASG press release, Jul 8, 2008