Memo to File
February 22, 1999
Memo to File
February 22, 1999 Remarks on LANL's Q: Does LANL think that accidents resulting from contained
vessel experiments with plutonium are so unlikely as to be effectively
impossible? The proposed continuation of the GMX-11 confinement experiments involving explosively driven plutonium-239 has been reevaluated in the light of recent experimental work and hazard analyses and the larger amounts of plutonium and high explosive that are anticipated compared to those that were originally planned.This memorandum calculates (much too conservatively, by today's analyses) that, under stable air conditions with wind from the south, each downwind person standing at Trinity Drive would receive 469 rems of committed lifetime lung dose per kilogram of Pu lost. Under today's assumptions, about 23% of such a population would eventually die from cancer caused by this event. Catastrophic failure, involving a loss of 3.5 kg Pu, leads to proportionally worse outcomes in the old H-1 analysis. Fallout is also considered to be a serious risk: ...Thus, in the above worse case situation, decontamination of a part of the townsite would probably be required. Areas of higher contamination would mostly be government land which are presently controlled or could be, if necessary, if decontamination proved ineffectual.Sandia National Laboratories has examined the decontamination question in detail in a similar context (accidents with nuclear weapons), and has concluded that in many cases it would be cheaper to condemn and buy land wholesale rather than to attempt to clean it up. (This voluminous report is available for examination at the Study Group.) Source: Roland A. Jalbert, H-1 to Dean D. Meyer, Group Leader, H-1, "Plutonium Hazard Evaluation for GMX-11 Confinement Experiments," LANL Memo, 1/22/1970. |