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Local letters


LASG friends ltr (02/18/2025) SWEIS debrief and next steps — in-person and Zoom meeting this Thursday 2/20/25 at 6:30 pm in Albuquerque (to attend by Zoom you must register in advance)

LASG friends ltr (02/02/2025) Urgent planning and background sessions this WEDNESDAY EVENING IN SANTA FE and this THURSDAY EVENING IN ALBUQUERQUE pertaining to NNSA hearings Feb. 11-13 about LANL’s future. Help spread the word!

LASG friends ltr (01/23/2025) Crunch time! Please come to the LANL Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement Hearings Feb. 11-13. Help spread the word! (Part I)


LASG friends ltr (10/26/2024) Court extends deadline for agreement in federal lawsuit over nuclear pit production (which seeks to concentrate all pit production in New Mexico while allowing its acceleration)

LASG friends ltr (10/9/24) Upcoming events including Santa Fe City Council meeting tonight, in-depth briefing this coming Saturday featuring Ray McGovern and Francis Boyle

LASG friends ltr (10/01/24) Upcoming events, Santa Fe Reporter ads, unexpected confirmation of the power of New Mexico resistance

LASG friends ltr (09/02/2024) USC-led UNM forum undermines opposition to nuclear weapons in New Mexico — we are disgusted and will protest

LASG friends ltr (08/14/2024) Will the 2024 elections alter the course of the new nuclear arms race and ? Join us on Monday Aug. 19, 6:30 pm at the Albuquerque Center for Peace and Justice for presentation and discussion!

LASG friends ltr (08/02/2024) Reminder! Reception for new mural tomorrow, Aug. 3, 2-4 pm, CloudCliff Building in Santa Fe. ALSO: Join us Tuesday Aug. 6 in Santa Fe to discuss whether the 2024 elections are likely to alter the course of the new nuclear arms race and if so how

LASG friends ltr (07/31/2024) Art reception for new mural Saturday 2-4 pm, CloudCliff Building in Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (07/24/24) Thank you for coming this past Monday or otherwise helping; wonderful Sentinel revelations
    • NNSA Jill Hruby, and DOE-EM Candice Robertson Town Hall Meeting, images and videos

LASG friends ltr (07/22/24) New Mexicans offered rare referendum TONIGHT on whether the U.S. should pursue a nuclear arms race and further attempt to dominate the world, at enormous cost to its own people

LASG friends ltr (07/10/24) Urgent call to action: NNSA Town Hall near Santa Fe July 22, 6 pm MDT, on the huge LANL program to build plutonium cores (“pits”)

LASG friends ltr (05/07/2024) Demonstration TODAY 6 pm Heinrich’s office in ABQ

LASG friends ltr (04/14/2024) Volunteer orientation Tues 4/16 noon; panel discussion 4/16 6 pm; important updates

LASG friends ltr (04/08/2024) “Russophobia, the Ukraine war, and nuclear weapons” — panel discussion Tuesday April 16, 6 pm, St. John’s United Methodist Church, Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (02/12/24) Emergency Rally for Rafah TODAY at UNM Bookstore, Albuquerque / HB 117 died / Please come to a) the Santa Fe City Council THIS WEDNESDAY at 6 pm to oppose pit production and b) the Santa Fe Community College this Thursday to oppose LANL’s new electrical transmission line

LASG friends ltr (02/08/24) More ways to testify against HB 117 tonight or tomorrow / Please come to the Santa Fe City Council next Wednesday 2/14/24, at 6 pm

LASG friends ltr (02/08/24) Please come if you can to the legislature, Rm 317, TOMORROW 2/9, 8:30 am if you can to oppose HB 117, aimed at generating GRT revenue from plutonium pit production and other plutonium manufacturing

LASG friends ltr (02/05/24) From New Energy Economy: Tell the Governor and the Legislature: New Mexico is not for sale!

LASG friends ltr (02/05/24) Report-back and organizing meeting in Santa Fe Wednesday 2/7/24 6 pm, St. John’s United Methodist Church / Please continue and step up your outreach!

LASG friends ltr (01/31/24) Come to the Santa Fe City Council TONIGHT, Wednesday, Jan 31st, 6 pm, or call in

LASG friends ltr (01/26/24) Update to The Call for Sanity, please help! / Come to the Santa Fe City Council Wednesday, Jan 31st, 6 pm

LASG friends ltr (01/10/24) (LANL): Adjustments made to proposed LANL transmission line public meeting

LASG friends ltr (01/09/24) Four upcoming events in Santa Fe: a) volunteer mtg TOMORROW, Jan 10, noon; b) City Council mtg Jan 10, 6 pm; c) study session re new LANL power line Jan 11, noon; c) public meeting re power line, 4 pm

LASG friends ltr (01/05/24) Four upcoming events in Santa Fe: a) volunteer mtg Monday, Jan 8, 11 am; b) City Council mtg Jan 10, 6 pm; c) study session re new LANL power line Jan 11, noon; c) public meeting re power line, 4 pm

LASG friends ltr (01/01/24) Discussion in Santa Fe tomorrow, Tuesday 1/2/24, 6 pm, St. John’s United Methodist Church; other meetings this month; “Call for Sanity” and City of Santa Fe resolution status


LASG friends ltr (12/19/23) City of Santa Fe resolution status; volunteer meeting in Santa Fe tomorrow evening 12/20/23 (call if interested); new ad in SF Reporter; thank you for your support and reach out to others if you can

LASG friends ltr (12/12/23) Resolution opposing all LANL pit production at Santa Fe City Council tomorrow evening, Wed. 12/13/23; web version of full-page ad on pit production available; help if you can and stay tuned for more

LASG friends ltr (11/07/23) Call for ceasefire in Palestine Thurs 11/9; halt LANL pit factory and expansion at the Santa Fe City Council Wed 11/ 8; come to the panel in Santa Fe on a new arms race Thurs 11/16

LASG friends ltr (10/09/23) Press conference and rally, Santa Fe City Hall, Wednesday Oct. 11 at noon; mobilization also at 5 pm same place, same day; other actions

LASG friends ltr (10/02/23) What you can do to help oppose plutonium pit production; more

LASG friends ltr (09/20/23) Come to a meeting to oppose plutonium pit production at LANL in Santa Fe on September 27 at 6:00 pm at St. John’s Methodist Church!

LASG friends ltr (08/18/2023) Legislative meeting Monday, gm testimony / City of Santa Fe City strongly opposes pit production, nuclear weapons, LANL expansion for same

LASG friends ltr (08/17/2023) Want to oppose pit production? Talk to us / The New Mexican implicitly comes out for pits / Ukraine / Resilience

LASG friends ltr (08/01/2023) Pit presentation slides; more on Hiroshima/Nagasaki/Russia; Patrick Lawrence on the Bidens and the opportunity at hand; LANL seeks to expand into other cities

LASG friends ltr (07/31/2023) Video of July 22 event; crisis in the presidency; no “peace festival” for us, thank you

LASG friends ltr (07/12/2023) Ukraine over the tipping point; more on July 22 event in Los Alamos; comment on generic “nuclear disarmament”

LASG friends ltr (07/10/2023) July 22 event in Los Alamos: outreach help wanted and needed!

LASG friends ltr (06/15/2023) Pit production zoom today; halt military “aid” to Ukraine, which just kills more Ukrainians, accept peace

LASG friends ltr (06/03/2023) LANL plutonium safety violations; Russophobia in the antiwar “left,”; any pit production is “expanded” pit production

LASG friends ltr (06/02/2023) Quick update; more frequent letters coming to this list; let’s be more than colonial complainers

LASG friends ltr (04/21/2023) Study Group lunch discussion this coming Monday 4/24 re pits, nuclear weapons, waste; THANK YOU for attending the April 4 town hall

LASG friends ltr (04/04/2023) Reminder: Town Hall in Santa Fe tonight, 6:30 pm (come early if you want to speak), bring signs. Talking points: “No pits here, now, ever.”

LASG friends ltr (04/02/2023) Important public town hall in Santa Fe Tuesday, April 4: “No pits. Not here, not now, not ever.”

LASG friends ltr (03/29/2023) REMINDER: Important public meeting in Santa Fe TOMORROW, Thursday March 30, 6 pm — come one, come all

LASG friends ltr (03/27/2023) Important public meeting in Santa Fe this Thursday, March 30, 6 pm; please tell your friends and come; there is good news

LASG friends ltr (03/16/2023) Ukraine; Biden’s Manicheism; the U.S. cannot even conduct a nuclear arms race, let alone win one

LASG friends ltr (03/14/2023) Ukraine protest and updates, pit production delays and cost increases in NNSA’s new budget

LASG friends ltr (03/11/2023) Antiwar rally 2 pm Saturday in Albuquerque; LANL pits delayed, endorse the “Call for Sanity”; Ukraine update; the Nordstream investigation (and likely impeachment) “imperative”

LASG friends ltr (03/07/2023) Ukraine losses mount toward critical point; ANSWER rally against the war is now 2 pm (not 1 pm), March 18, Albuquerque; nearly half U.S. citizens believe WWIII is near

LASG friends ltr (03/03/23) Ukraine news and views; antiwar rally March 18; pending guest editorial; pit production precis

LASG friends ltr (02/08/2023) Ukraine news with comments and excerpts; bookmark for future reference if desired

LASG friends ltr (01/02/2023) Meetings for potential volunteers this coming Thursday (1/5/23) in Santa Fe ” Friday (1/6/23) in Albuquerque 


LASG friends ltr (11/15/22) Informal last-minute reminder, agenda for tonight’s emergency Ukraine meeting in Albuquerque, and by Zoom

LASG friends ltr (08/29/22) Come one, come all to the press conference tomorrow (8/30/22, 10:30 am MDT, State Capitol Rotunda)

LASG friends ltr (07/28/22) Impromptu lunch tomorrow 7/29 in Santa Fe? If you are interested!

LASG friends ltr (07/20/22) Short update and report; new poll on Ukraine, August 2 event cancelled

LASG friends ltr (07/13/22) Please come to a strategic discussion this coming Friday July 15 at 12:00 pm at Maria’s New Mexico Kitchen in Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (06/14/22) Reminder: talk and discussion in Santa Fe tomorrow, 6/15/22, 6:00 to 8:00 pm, “Propaganda, plutonium, and the proxy war in Ukraine”

LASG friends ltr (06/07/22) Taos meeting Friday 6/10: “Propaganda, plutonium, and the proxy war in Ukraine;” Santa Fe meeting Wednesday 6/15; meanwhile coffee, open house at LASG tomorrow, 8:30 am

LASG friends ltr (06/05/22) Monday 6/6 in-person/virtual discussion with Indivisible Albuquerque: nuclear weapons, Ukraine, propaganda, and what we can do; yard signs available; LASG coffee Wednesday 6/8 8:30 am

LASG friends ltr (05/10/22) Thursday evening public discussion in Albuquerque: Ukraine, propaganda, progressives supporting Nazis and war

LASG friends ltr (02/13/22) Please call or write your legislators ASAP: help defeat the Hydrogen hub Development Act, HB 228.

LASG friends ltr (02/03/22) “What can we in New Mexico do?”

LASG friends ltr (01/10/22) Guest editorial; environmental analysis at LANL?; Archbishop virtual press conference re nuclear disarmament tomorrow 9 am

LASG friends ltr (01/05/22) A wonderful New Year to all — thank you; fundraising, recruitment reminder; Call for Sanity; Innovation Triangle


LASG friends ltr (12/07/21) Los Alamos to “NM Innovation Triangle:” you are maintaining a menace to public safety and are ordered to demolish your building ASAP

LASG friends ltr (11/30/21) Nuclear-weapons-oriented “innovation triangle” developments, tax changes, pitched to NM legislature

LASG friends ltr (11/24/21) How New Mexico Could Become A Climate Leader

LASG friends ltr (11/02/21) Will energy monopolies and the nuclear weapons cartel control New Mexico’s future? Reclaim our resources and build resilient communities, not plutonium bombs! Join us at the State Capitol this Friday, November 5, from noon to 5 pm; Local and internationally-acclaimed speakers, plenary workshops on energy, climate and nuclear issues.

LASG friends ltr (10/24/21) Please come to the State Capitol on Friday, Nov. 5, noon to 5 pm: update; new full-page ads for your use; help us get the word out please!

LASG friends ltr (10/11/21) Friday, Nov. 5 at the State Capitol: noon demonstration, workshops & dialogues; help wanted!

LASG friends ltr (09/28/21) Important public information and planning meeting, this Thursday 9/30/21, in Santa Fe — please inform and recruit your friends as well

LASG friends ltr (08/31/21) Protest and press conference at “Q Station” in Nob Hill tomorrow, Wednesday September 1, 11:00 am. If you don’t want a military takeover of NM please come.

LASG friends ltr (08/23/21) Door hanger update; help wanted; protest and press conference at Q Station in Nob Hill 9/1/21

LASG friends ltr (08/12/21) Door hanger campaign beginning TOMORROW; volunteers needed)

LASG friends ltr (08/10/21) Update: door hanger campaign now beginning FRIDAY of this week! (more info included)

LASG friends ltr (08/09/21) Door hanger campaign beginning Wednesday of this week! Please help!

LASG friends ltr (07/28/21) From the ANSWER coalition, us, and others: “Shut Down ‘Q-Station’ on Hiroshima/Nagasaki 76th Anniversary!”

LASG friends ltr (07/28/21) Reminder: “Stop the plutonium pit factory, here and now:” update and outreach training Thursday 7/29, 6 pm in Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (07/23/21) New Mexico under assault; voters approve plutonium bomb factory for Los Alamos; update and outreach orientation Thursday July 29, Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (07/19/21) LANL: Plutonium is Good for You

LASG friends ltr (06/07/21) Key pit production talking points; some progress in DC in killing LANL pit production; important article on co-optation and destruction of U.S. disarmament movement

LASG friends ltr (05/24/21) Key talking points, discussion outside the State Capitol this Thursday, May 27, noon, east side: massive expansion at LANL, new arms race, plutonium “pits” out the wazoo

LASG friends ltr (05/20/21) Discussion outside at the State Capitol today, May 20, noon, east side

LASG friends ltr (05/17/21) Discussion outside at the State Capitol this Thursday, May 20, noon, east side

LASG friends ltr (04/26/21) Reminder: public briefing, discussion Thurs. Apr 29, 6-8 pm, St. John’s UMC, Santa Fe; “How Santa Fe liberals and environmentalists are enabling plutonium pit production at LANL in support of Biden’s failing foreign and nuclear policies, and what we can do differently”

LASG friends ltr (04/21/21) Public briefing, discussion Thurs. Apr 29, 6-8 pm, St. John’s UMC, Santa Fe: “The nuclear and foreign policies of the Biden Administration”

LASG friends ltr (04/12/21) RCLC delenda est; want to help stop the plutonium-fueled “innovation” in YOUR town? Write us.

LASG friends ltr (04/01/21) Thank you for contacting the City of Santa Fe, which last night rejected the revised legal basis for the “Regional Coalition of LANL Communities”

LASG friends ltr (03/30/21) Please contact the Santa Fe City Council TODAY, before tomorrow’s critical meeting, and spread the word: don’t endorse the revised agreement supporting the “Regional Coalition of LANL Communities”

LASG friends ltr (03/19/21) Once more into the breach: contact the Santa Fe City Council and Taos County Commission urging RCLC withdrawal NOW

LASG friends ltr (03/02/21) Please contact the Santa Fe City Council urging the City to leave the “Regional Coalition of LANL Communities”


LASG friends ltr (11/16/20) Urgent need for community resilience planning and organizing; local government meetings

LASG friends ltr (11/09/20) The election; Upcoming local government meetings — please virtually attend!

LASG friends ltr (10/28/20) Upcoming local government meetings, background as to why these are important, report on our citizens hearing at the Capitol

LASG friends ltr (10/06/20) Citizens hearing tomorrow: plutonium-based security or community-based security? Will local politicians continue to support Trump’s nuclear plan for Greater Santa Fe? Are you standing aside too?

LASG friends ltr (10/02/20) Reminder: Citizens hearing on building a plutonium weapons factory at LANL and alternatives for the region and state: October 7, State Capitol, 1-6 pm

LASG friends ltr (09/21/20) Citizens Hearing on the Environmental, Social, and Economic Impacts of Plutonium Pit Production and Its Alternatives: October 7, State Capitol, 1-6 pm

LASG friends ltr (08/18/20) Zoominar this Thursday 4 pm; big increase in pit money coming; news & views

LASG friends ltr (08/12/20) What you can do; zoominar moved to Thurs, 20 Aug, 4 – 6 pm MDT

LASG friends ltr (08/11/20) The tide is turning; updates; next zoominar this Thurs, 13 Aug, 4 – 6 pm MDT

LASG friends ltr (08/03/20) Zoominar this coming Wednesday, 5 – 7 pm MDT: Nuclear weapons and LANL, pit production: updates, discussion

LASG friends ltr (07/31/20) Los Alamos County Council frustrated with NNSA abuse; LANL metastasizing to other locale(s); please endorse the Call for Sanity; earthquake north of LANL, more

LASG friends ltr (07/13/20) Please come to the State Capitol Thursday, July 16, at 10 am for a demonstration and press conference

LASG friends ltr (07/12/20) As long as New Mexico sleeps, plutopian plans will advance. “Rise, like lions after slumber!”

LASG friends ltr (06/23/20) Efforts toward a new Rocky Flats Plant in greater Santa Fe advance; ways to engage

LASG friends ltr (06/01/20) Letter to antinuclear groups re organizational endorsements for Los Alamos pit factory

LASG friends ltr (05/27/20) Updates; briefing slides; Zoom meeting planned; Santa Fe Midtown; what you can do; investing disproportionately in political failure

LASG friends ltr (05/17/20) Study Group to host public Zoom seminar, Tuesday May 19, 6:00 – 7:30 pm MST; quick updates

LASG friends ltr (05/12/20) Santa Fe Midtown Project virtual meeting today 5-7 pm; the City will take questions for possible use if sent pronto; background

LASG friends ltr (04/07/20) If you don’t want plutonium pit production you will need to speak up. We provide a powerful way.

LASG friends ltr (03/26/20) A wakeup call for new priorities; Call for Sanity, not Nuclear Production; Santa Fe Midtown — calls and letters needed ASAP

LASG friends ltr (03/25/20) If you are in Santa Fe, quick Midtown Project alert: if you want to speak against a LANL site in Santa Fe, call or email the City before 1 pm today

LASG friends ltr (03/21/20) We call for sanity, not nuclear production: please join and recruit others

LASG friends ltr (03/17/20) Please write or call your Santa Fe city councilor and/or ask your friends to do so: “No LANL in Santa Fe;” and delay choosing a developer until City government can function more normally

LASG friends ltr (03/10/20) Please write, call, and/or attend the Santa Fe City Council: “No LANL in Santa Fe”; more

LASG flyer for March 4th action & meeting!

LASG friends ltr (03/03/20) REMINDER: TOMORROW — Demonstration (noon), Discussion & Workshop (6 PM)


LASG friends ltr (02/24/20) Please come to Santa Fe City Council Wednesday 2/26/20 6:30 pm at Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar Dr

LASG friends ltr (02/17/20) LANL-wide EIS needed; Santa Fe doubles down on Midtown secrecy & possible weapons expansion; your help wanted

LASG friends ltr (02/11/20) Do all Democrats and arms control groups want a pit factory at LANL? So far, yes. Don’t be a propaganda victim!

LASG friends ltr (01/21/20) Discussion Thursday, Jan. 23, 6 pm, Santa Fe: opposing LANL expansion: what, why, how; more; please write Midtown evaluation committee

LASG friends ltr (01/14/20) Citizens Protest Possible Nuclear Weapons Agency Presence in Major Santa Fe Development; Press conference and demonstration at noon Wednesday, January 15, Santa Fe City Hall

LASG friends ltr (01/13/20) Reminder: please come, recruit friends, to the press conference/demonstration outside Santa Fe City Hall, noon Wednesday Jan. 15; more

LASG friends ltr (01/12/20) Join us Wednesday, noon, outside Santa Fe City Hall; and please bring as many friends as you can: NO LANL IN SANTA FE!

LASG friends ltr (01/07/20) No LANL in Santa Fe! Join us tomorrow, Jan. 8, at 6 pm at Santa Fe City Hall; more

LASG friends ltr (01/03/20) Demonstrate tomorrow, Jan. 4, in Albuquerque, 2 pm: illegal US assassination of top Iranian general dramatically inflames region


LASG friends ltr (12/07/19) Please come tomorrow to Collected Works Bookstore, 202 Galisteo Street, Santa Fe, 11 am: Developer to present plans for Midtown Santa Fe campus: will they include nuclear weapons research, training, manufacturing, administration?

LASG friends ltr (12/02/19) Safety Board: Los Alamos plutonium facility does not adequately protect the public

LASG friends ltr (11/29/19) PLEASE COME: City of Santa Fe considering subsidizing “Rocky Flats South” by opening NNSA/LANL satellite in Santa Fe; developer to present Sunday, December 8, 11 am, at Collected Works

LASG friends ltr (10/07/19) So far, elected NM Dems support new ICBM, warheads, pits, huge expansion of N-weapons production, with NO transparency and NO environmental analysis for NM

LASG friends ltr (09/19/19) Climate strike starts tomorrow, please GO; briefing slides and report from town hall meeting; memorial for John Otter Sunday Sept. 29, 2-4 pm at The Commons; fall fundraising begins with matching fund

LASG friends ltr (09/14/19) Reminder; alert your networks: town hall meeting Tues Sept 17, noon, Capitol Rotunda; Heinrich, Udall embrace and increase Trump nuclear weapons funding

LASG friends ltr (09/03/19) Town Hall meeting Tues Sept 17 in Santa Fe, noon, Capitol Rotunda; letters & calls needed to stop “$13 billion plutonium construction plan”

LASG friends ltr (08/17/19) Please join us Fri, Aug 23, 6 pm, Kit Carson Coop, Taos, for a lively discussion of LANL’s expansion plans and the critical role New Mexicans can play in halting the new nuclear arms race

LASG friends ltr (08/15/19) More details of LANL’s regional plans; EIS (national and local) needed; we crave your help

LASG friends ltr (08/09/19) Heads up: grand LANL plans finally being unveiled, should be hitting newspapers tomorrow

LASG friends ltr (05/18/19) Demonstrate against wars TODAY, 9 am, 500 Eubank SE in Albuquerque (both sides, at Costco)

LASG friends ltr (05/17/19) Talk and discussion: Jemez Springs Public Library, Sunday May 19, 2 pm

LASG friends ltr (03/13/19) NM youth climate school strike this Friday 15 March: see you in Santa Fe, 11 am to 2 pm for public actions; LASG discussion afterward

LASG friends ltr (02/03/19) Forwarded: Moratorium on new fracking permits, press conference tomorrow 9 am Capitol Rotunda

LASG friends ltr (01/15/19) Extinction Rebellion Jan 26; avoiding malignant green growth; another public call for clarity on New Mexico energy reforms

LASG friends ltr (01/08/19) Meeting in Santa Fe 5:30 pm this Friday — important postscripts!

LASG friends ltr (01/07/19) Meeting in Santa Fe 5:30 pm this Friday Jan 11; why LANL cannot host a plutonium pit factory; will Governor Grisham’s energy policies help, or hurt?


LASG friends ltr (12/25/18) All I want for Christmas is a Green New Deal which is actually green and actually a new deal

LASG friends ltr (12/04/18) Help us hire additional staff! With the election behind and legislature ahead, dialog urgently needed.

LASG friends ltr (11/01/18) Extinction rebellion; report on recent meetings; progressives are failing

LASG friends ltr (10/23/18) Upcoming discussion and planning meetings; Heinrich TV ad promoting labs and military

LASG friends ltr (10/16/18) At the kairos: build hope, not nuclear weapons

LASG friends ltr (09/11/18) DNFSB reorg dead for now; Obama’s undead new warhead, sole driver for immediate pit production, rescued again, almost certainly by Udall and Feinstein for the labs in their states

LASG friends ltr (09/04/18) Sink the RCLC; save the DNFSB

LASG friends ltr (08/24/18) WAKEUP

LASG friends ltr (08/10/18) Timeless spring; “no significant impact” of key pit facility; end the RCLC

LASG friends ltr (08/06/18) Reminder: Please join us and spread the word about this evening in Los Alamos: “Beyond Hiroshima” panel, 6 pm, Fuller Lodge

LASG friends ltr (08/02/18) Please join Godfrey Reggio, Gilbert Sanchez, Carol Miller, Marita Prandoni, and others Monday, Aug 6, in Los Alamos for the “Beyond Hiroshima” panel discussion at 6 pm in Fuller Lodge, plus direct engagement activities in Los Alamos on the same day from 3 -5 pm

LASG friends ltr (07/26/18) “Atomic summer” events moving to Taos (this Monday, 30 July, 6 pm), Los Alamos (Aug 6, afternoon and evening); no Santa Fe discussion on 30th; ongoing betrayal by Dems, more

LASG friends ltr (07/21/18) Potluck at Mellos Thurs July 26, 6 pm and again Aug 9, 6 pm; parlous state of US and NM politics

LASG friends ltr (07/16/18) Reminder, addendum: Talk and discussion — AT 6 PM — in Santa Fe: “Nuclear elitism and atomic nostalgia vs. a real future for New Mexico’s people and land”

LASG friends ltr (07/12/18) “Atomic Summer” cultural events have begun in earnest — Come join us July 13 and July 16 — & let your voice be heard!

LASG friends ltr (07/06/18) Reminder: “Resist the Romance: Nuclear History in the Land of Enchantment,” 5 pm at Phil Space Gallery in Santa Fe tomorrow, Saturday, July 7

LASG friends ltr (07/02/18) Reminder: First Study Group public “Atomic Summer” talk this evening in Santa Fe, 6 pm

LASG friends ltr (06/27/18) “Trinity” monument is gone from downtown SF; some of us are going to SF City Council tonight anyway to express concern about pit factory plans

LASG friends ltr (06/25/18) Trinity monument replicated at Santa Fe Convention Center — come to City Council meeting Wednesday at 7 pm; other upcoming events, protests! Please come!

LASG friends ltr (06/11/18) Please join us Wednesday 6/13 in Santa Fe for a special “Atomic Summer” action meeting (not open to public or sent to our larger mailing list)

LASG friends ltr (05/29/18) Please join us Thursday 5/31 in Albuquerque for “Atomic Summer” kickoff strategy meeting

LASG friends ltr (05/24/18) Please join us: talks, discussion Friday 5/25 in Albuquerque: “Russiagate, Syria, and war”; plus “Atomic Summer” events just around the corner!

LASG friends ltr (05/09/18) “US to decide best site for nuclear weapons production” by Friday — Please call our senators, your congressperson TOMORROW!

LASG friends ltr (04/30/18) Leaked Summary of Nuclear Warhead Plutonium “Pit” Production Analysis Identifies Serious Problems with Los Alamos Manufacturing Plan

LASG friends ltr (04/11/18) Emergency demonstration Thursday, 12 Apr, KAFB Abq, 5 pm: No attack on Syria! / 2. “Rocky Flats South” / 3. Letters to editors: effective, neglected

LASG friends ltr (04/02/18) Heinrich to co-host strange “public safety” event TOMORROW — a good opportunity to demonstrate concern about his prioritization of nuclear weapons production and the military over people and the environment

LASG friends ltr (03/10/18) Will New Mexicans allow Hinrich, Udall, Lujan, Grisham, and Pearce to sell out New Mexico to the nuclear kleptocracy?

LASG friends ltr (01/26/18) Monday Jan 29 Santa Fe mtg (note location change!): Pu pit production; Trump nuclear and defense policies: what we can do (with simple dinner)

LASG friends ltr (01/15/18) Pit production heating up; Jan 29 mtg in Santa Fe


LASG friends ltr (12/26/17) Senators and Rep. Lujan double down on pits; new tax law makes 2017 better year for donations for some

LASG friends ltr (12/07/17) Nobel get-togethers Sunday; industrial transformation of LANL; fundraising reminder

LASG Taos friends ltr (12/06/17) Coffee with Rep. Ben Ray Lujan

LASG ABQ friends ltr (11/07/17) Talk and discussion this Friday night; future discussions

LASG ABQ friends ltr (11/05/17) “Remaining Awake through a Great Revolution!”

LASG friends ltr (10/21/17) Please help us foster dialog in our communities

LASG friends ltr (10/10/17) ICAN Nobel Peace Prize press conference; outreach and fundraising needed!

LASG ABQ friends ltr (10/06/17) Protest at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History today, 4:30 pm

LASG friends ltr (09/27/17) Heinrich, Udall promote LANL plutonium pit manufacturing; please help

LASG friends ltr (09/15/17) You are invited: Wednesday, 9/20, 6 am: breakfast with LASG, witness historic signing of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

LASG friends ltr (09/12/17) In a surprise meeting of minds, leaders and citizens of both parties agree: a sustainable future is “off the table”

LASG friends ltr (08/29/17) Upcoming film and discussion Sept. 3: “To the Ends of the Earth,” on the desperate quest for MORE oil, and its context

LASG friends ltr (08/23/17) Upcoming film and discussion Sept. 3; volunteers wanted; fundraising

LASG friends ltr (08/07/17) Taos talk: “Remaining Awake through a Great Revolution:” The Crucial Role of Citizen Groups; Key issues for New Mexico

LASG friends ltr (07/25/17) Climate+solar flyers update

LASG friends ltr (07/20/17) Please help us distribute climate+solar flyers!

LASG ABQ friends ltr (06/12/17)
“Years of Living Dangerously,” at LASG’s headquarters this Thurs, June 15, 5:30-7:30pm!

LASG friends ltr (06/07/17) DNFSB hearing in Santa Fe tonight re plutonium in Los Alamos; LASG public discussion at UNM tomorrow night: renewable energy: necessary NOW, but hardly sufficient

LASG ABQ friends ltr (05/25/17) Reminder: talk and discussion THIS EVENING; solar party June 3; more

LASG friends ltr (05/11/17) Our summer schedule so far — please join us!

LASG friends ltr (05/05/17) Will your organization or church host a discussion on our climate emergency?

LASG friends ltr (04/15/17) There is tremendous interest in our summer program; we need your help!

LASG friends ltr (03/26/17) 2017 summer internship program: solar, climate practicum (and some other news)

LASG friends ltr (02/17/17) Important legislative alerts!

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (02/14/17) Fwd: TODAY! Circle of Love for New Mexico Children – REMIND your friends – Tweet it out

LASG friends ltr (01/31/17) Invitation to meetings; solar power production coop; priorities, given Trump

LASG friends ltr (01/07/17 – updated January 29, 2017) What you can do

LASG friends ltr (01/06/17) demonstration Monday (continued tomorrow: what you can do)


LASG friends ltr (12/14/16) Plutonium “pit” production: why it can be stopped (again), and a funding request

LASG friends ltr (11/15/16) MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD: New Mexico is not for sale!

LASG friends ltr (11/14/16) BernCo to consider tax district for Santolina; Commission mtg Tuesday (important!!)

LASG friends ltr (11/07/16) Reminder: New Directions in Disarmament, this Friday Nov 11, 6:30 pm Santa Fe

LASG main ltr (10/27/16) BREAKING NEWS: UN votes to outlaw nuclear weapons in 2017 (correction, update)

LASG friends ltr (10/27/16) Ban negotiation vote today, come on over at 2 pm if you want

LASG friends ltr (10/26/16) Countdown to historic UN vote, watch live tomorrow or Friday; Nov 11 talk, Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (10/17/16) Reminder: Important Study Group meeting Wed 10/19, 7 pm, Santa Fe; “extraordinary” developments occurring at UN

LASG friends ltr (10/09/16) Reminder: important meeting in Santa Fe 10/19 pm; more

LASG friends ltr (10/03/16) REMINDER: John LaForge, “Nuclear Heartland” TONIGHT, 6:30-8:30pm, at LASG headquarters, 3 Oct 2016

LASG friends ltr (09/26/16) Los Alamos Study Group Solar Party this coming Sat, Oct 1, 3-5pm!!

LASG friends ltr (09/21/16) Important additional local events and actions; more

LASG friends ltr (09/09/16) Upcoming local events & actions; report on Cong. Lujan

LASG friends ltr (09/01/16) Meeting with Rep. Lujan staff tomorrow in Abq; video and discussion Friday 6:30 pm in Abq; more

LASG friends ltr (08/29/16) Call for silent protest Wednesday am at legislative committee; video and discussion Friday night 6:30 pm

LASG friends ltr (08/18/16)
Reminder: video and discussion tonight! 7 pm, 901 Solano Dr. NE

LASG friends ltr (08/11/16) Important upcoming events; Governor Martinez seeks to bring all US spent nuclear fuel to NM

LASG friends ltr (08/01/16) If you want to help put pressure on NM Dems to stop the new nuclear arms race, now’s the time

LASG friends ltr (07/13/16) If you want to help put pressure on NM Dems to stop the new nuclear arms race, please contact us

LASG friends ltr (07/07/16) Crawl out through the fallout, baby

LASG friends ltr (06/24/16) Report from the Doomsday Forum and surrounding events; talk Monday evening

LASG friends ltr (06/19/16) Protests Mon & Tues in Albuquerque, teach-in Tues at UNM — update, change of venue: PLEASE COME PROTEST THE DOOMSDAY FORUM!

LASG friends ltr (06/14/16) Join us Friday in celebrating: most of the world’s countries want New Mexico to kick the nuclear habit

LASG friends ltr (06/08/16) Teach-ins (3), receptions (2); community leaders largely silent and absent as NM economy, society collapse under militarism, climate change

LASG friends ltr (06/05/16) Reminder of critical upcoming events

LASG friends ltr (05/25/16) Informal note to local friends: amendment to bar expansion of pit production at LANL to be voted on tonight

LASG friends ltr (05/24/16) UNM running SNL one of the worst mistakes UNM and NM could make

LASG friends ltr (05/20/16) Important upcoming events — please join us!

LASG friends ltr (05/12/16) First partial report from Geneva: proposals for starting negotiations on a treaty banning nuclear weapons have been submitted by a large majority of countries

LASG friends ltr (04/19/16) Quick important note and four more items

LASG friends ltr (04/13/16) What you can do; resources; news

LASG friends ltr (03/24/16) Regarding the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) hearing: testimony and closure

LASG friends ltr (03/21/16) Reminder: Important LANL hearing TOMORROW EVENING in Santa Fe, 5 pm

LASG friends ltr (03/15/16) Pre-register by March 18 to reserve a speaking slot at the March 22 hearing re LANL; other updates

LASG friends ltr (03/14/16) Why the March 22 hearing on LANL safety is critically important

LASG friends ltr (03/11/16) Senior DOE nuclear officials coming to Santa Fe for public hearing; more

LASG friends ltr (03/08/16) Update on Santa Fe meeting, March 16

LASG friends ltr (03/02/16) Upcoming meetings and get-togethers!

LASG friends ltr (02/02/16) KAFB event is closed to the public after all; no Coffee Club
On Friday, KAFB will explain why we should stop worrying and love the bomb; LASG discussion Thursday morning

LASG friends ltr (02/02/16) Park Service meeting Monday requesting “input” on the Manhattan Project National Historical Park

LASG friends ltr (01/19/16) Updates for local members: biweekly meetings suspended; internship, fellowship, volunteer opportunities; news


LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (12/30/15) Reminder: breakfast discussion tomorrow at LASG World Headquarters, 7:30 am

LASG friends ltr (12/27/15) Thank you for your support; coffee club reminder; more good news

LASG friends ltr (12/06/15) LASG “Coffee Club” to open this Thursday and Friday

LASG friends ltr (12/01/15) Update to local members and request for your support; one last reminder!

LASG friends ltr (11/19/15) One last reminder! Our get-together on Santa Fe this Sunday, from 4 to 7 pm, is filling up nicely but there is still room for more!

LASG friends ltr (11/17/15) Update: World-renowned experts to speak at Study Group event; please RSVP and talk to your friends!

LASG friends ltr (11/16/15) Reminder: Fundraising soiree and discussions this coming Sunday in Santa Fe! RSVP now please, and talk to friends! “Meet” our new board members!

LASG friends ltr (11/07/15) Now’s the time to RSVP for our November 22 fundraiser in Santa Fe!

LASG friends ltr (10/31/15) Important demonstration Tuesday in ABQ

LASG friends ltr (10/30/15) Save the date: fundraiser for the Study Group: Sunday Nov 22 in Santa Fe

LASG friends ltr (10/26/15) Meetings this week: Santa Fe Wednesday 10/28, Albuquerque Thursday 10/29

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (09/25/15) TOMORROW! Sept. 26, 1pm — Ukraine talk and discussion, ABQ

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (07/14/15) Meeting reminder for TOMORROW, Wed, July 15th

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (07/08/15) Teach-in on Ukraine, Wed July 22, UNM Law School

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (07/08/15) Meeting reminder for Wednesday, July 15

LASG Albuquerque & Santa Fe friends ltr (06/14/15) Demonstration this coming Tuesday (Peaceful Skies), followup from SF meeting Wednesday, next SF meeting July 15

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (06/08/15) Invitation to a private planning meeting this Wednesday 6/10, 5:30 pm in Santa Fe

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (05/16/15) Study Group mtg Wed May 20: economic implications of nuclear militarism for NM

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (05/11/15) Reminder: Briefing and discussion Wed May 13, 5:30 pm

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (05/04/15) Reminder: discussion Thurs May 7, 5:30 pm

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (05/04/15) Reminder: discussion Thurs May 7, 5:30 pm

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (04/21/15) No meeting this Wednesday morning! Now Thurs May 7, 5:30 pm

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (03/26/15) Get-together at Study Group HQ Wed., Apr 1, 7:30 am; breakfast!

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (03/21/15) Thanks for coming this past Thursday; op-ed published; more

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (03/19/15) Reminder! Get-together at CloudCliff today, 5:30 pm

LASG Santa Fe friends ltr (03/16/15) Get-together at CloudCliff this Thursday 3/19, 5:30 pm


LASG friends ltr (11/14/14) DoD Reviews of Nuclear Weapons Operations Largely “Management Clichés,” Fail to Address Core Problems, Group Charges, press release

LASG Taos friends ltr (11/14/14) Reminder! Discussion tonight in Taos, 6 pm, “Ban the Bomb: Why, How, and Your Role!” Pass it on!

LASG Albuquerque friends ltr (10/27/14) Reminder: Discussion Tuesday evening (tomorrow, 10/28), 6-8 pm, UNM Law School Room 2403, 1117 Stanford Dr. NE

LASG friends ltr (10/01/14) DOE Inspector General releases scathing report about LANL’s incompetent handling of waste, leading to WIPP shutdown, press release

LASG friends ltr (09/27/14) Re: LANL is splitting; NNSA lab futures; meeting schedule; more

LASG friends ltr (02/09/14) Please join us at the Prandoni family home in Santa Fe on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 4:00 pm, and more news and views