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Ukraine War: Selected news, views, & analysis

A few good sources of news & analysis

 • Moon of Alabama

 • Consortium News

 • Caitlin Johnstone

 • Larry Johnson's blog

 • Douglas MacGregor's interviews & articles

 •  Alastair Crooke at Strategic Culture Foundation

 • The Grayzone

 • Simplicius

 • SouthFront

 •  St. Pete for Peace
   - St. Pete's foreign policy news

 • The Duran

 • The Automatic Earth

To understand we must think and compare. We do not agree with all the postings on all these sites. That would be an unrealistic expectation anywhere.

April 2023

Apr 30, 2023

 • The Last Hurrah, Moon of Alabama, Apr 29, 2023

 • Weapons Makers Suffering Worker Shortages As Ukraine War Drives Demand, ZeroHedge, Apr 29, 2023

Apr 29, 2023

 • "We Simply Don't Have The Ammo" - Polish General Says Can No Longer Supply Ukraine, Warns Russia Has Resources To Continue War, ZeroHedge, Apr 29, 2023

 • Prime Minister Viktor Orbán explains the reason for the war in Europe. "Complete restructuring of power within Europe", twitter-video, Apr 28, 2023

 • US helping to ‘kill Russians’ – Moscow, RT, Apr 28, 2023

 • Report: Exploiting Ukraine War for LNG Expansion, Consortium News, Apr 28, 2023

 • UK allegedly censored report on British neo-Nazis fighting in Ukraine, RT, Apr 28, 2023
    "When the trickle of foreign fighters into Ukraine increased to a deluge last year, US Customs and Border Patrol warned in a memo that 'Ukrainian nationalist groups including the Azo[v] Movement are actively recruiting racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist-white supremacists to join various neo-Nazi volunteer battalions.'"
    gm: This is a serious problem -- the people, their ideology (materially and politically supported by the US and other Western states), and the networks and institutional ties that will continue for some of them after they return. These ties can also provide access to special weapons. Basically we are training and supplying neo-nazis in theater and then bringing them home, possibly with honors, their relationships with highly-armed and motivated nazi Ukrainian formations intact. There will be training camps established here in the US, where these veterans and others of their ilk pass on skills and affirm shared ideology. You can count on it.

Apr 28, 2023

 • Ukraine issues warning on air defense, RT, Apr 27, 2023

 • US General Says Russian Ground Forces ‘Bigger Today’ Than Before Invasion, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 27, 2023

 • NATO delivers over 1,500 armored vehicles, 230 tanks to Ukraine, says secretary general, TASS, Apr 27, 2023

Apr 27, 2023

 • Irish MEP Clare Daly with a message for NATO, twitter-video, Apr 22, 2023
    "The global north is now a minority in a new world order which won’t be based on the dollar but will be based on a new system of multilateralism."

 • Zelensky’s top adviser blames US for Ukraine conflict, RT, Apr 26, 2023

 • Kiev could ‘capture small Russian towns’ for leverage – WaPo, RT, Apr 26, 2023

 • Time for Biden to come clean on Ukraine, George Beebe, Responsible Statecraft, Apr 26, 2023
    — "Just as it did in Vietnam and Iraq, the truth about the war will eventually come out. If those painful episodes serve as a guide, it is unlikely that voters will welcome the news that they have been deceived once again in Ukraine."

 • EU countries sinking in debt – Bloomberg, RT, Apr 26, 2023
    — "Countries in Eastern Europe have borrowed some $32 billion so far this year, three times more than during the same period a year ago, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday. Poland has tapped overseas markets for nearly $9 billion, putting it second among emerging-market economies in terms of overseas borrowing, trailing only Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, Romania and Hungary, which have borrowed a respective $6 billion and $5 billion, are the fourth and fifth largest emerging-market borrowers.
     "This marks the first time in a dozen years that three Eastern European countries are among the top five overseas emerging-market borrowers. The surge in borrowing is attributable to an increasing need to dole out subsidies due to the still-raging energy crisis, as well as soaring spending related to the military conflict in Ukraine, according to Bloomberg. Eastern European countries have had to build up their military capabilities and help refugees from the neighboring state. Meanwhile, hawkish policies pursued by key central banks have made it much more expensive to borrow in bond markets, even for highly rated nations. Poland is paying 5.5% in annual interest on a new 30-year bond, significantly above the less than 4% the same bond would have sold for back in 2021.
     "Rising interest rates are projected to add to the suddenly swelling budget deficits across Eastern Europe, inevitably putting more pressure on finances in the region. According to analyst estimates on Bloomberg, Eastern Europe’s budget deficit will surge to 4.3% of the region’s gross domestic product in 2023, up from the 1.3% recorded two years ago. The conflict in Ukraine “hits fiscal deficits from both sides,” Daniel Wood, a fixed income portfolio manager at William Blair International, told Bloomberg. “It lowers growth, which reduces revenue collection for the government, and on the expenditure side it has been necessary for governments to help those that have been hit hard by the cost of living."

 • Western Media’s Peculiar Incuriosity About Nord Stream, Consortium News, Apr 26, 2023
    "The truth is that the Western press has zero interest in determining who blew up the Nord Stream pipelines because, just like Western diplomats and politicians, media corporations don’t want to know the truth if it cannot be weaponized against an official enemy state.
    "The Western media are not there to help the public monitor the centers of power, keep our governments honest and transparent, or bring to book those who commit state crimes. They are there to keep us ignorant and willing accomplices when such crimes are seen as advancing on the global stage the interests of Western elites – including the very transnational corporations that run our media."

Apr 26, 2023

Featured • War of Attrition in Ukraine at Tipping Point, M.K. Bhadrakumar, Consortium News, Apr 26, 2023

 • Zaporozhye official terms constant Ukrainian attacks on nuke plant premises as 'terrorism', TASS, Apr 26, 2023
    "Every year since 2012, Russia has marked April 26 as a day to commemorate first responders who rush to contain accidents involving hazardous radioactive materials and other catastrophes as well as the victims of such incidents"

 • West’s 'schizophrenic logic' and UN head’s letter - What Lavrov told media at UN, TASS, Apr 26, 2023

 • House Resolution Would Declare US Policy Is to Seek Ukrainian Victory, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 25, 2023

 • BREAKDOWN: What is known about the status of Ukraine’s much-hyped ‘counteroffensive’ against Russia?, RT, Apr 25, 2023
    "What difficulties does the AFU face? The conceptual problem of the offensive is the lack of surprise. AFU units are waiting in all directions – from Artemovsk to Kherson, so it is extremely difficult to surprise Russian forces in such a situation. Moreover, the movements of the Ukrainian army are well monitored, and it is almost impossible to accumulate a group of 20,000-150,000 troops unnoticed in such conditions. If they abandon massing their soldiers, and spread the forces across the front, all the advantages of large numbers are lost. An additional difficulty is time. Delaying an offensive means not only guaranteeing the loss of Artemovsk/Bakhmut, which is being cleared at the rate of two or three blocks every 24 hours, but also disrupting the plans of foreign partners and nullifying all the financial and military aid provided so far. Moreover, every day that the AFU’s offensive is delayed is an extra day for the Russian army to prepare and reinforce."
    Although Russia has more equipment and men, it faces some of the same difficulties, namely the inability to secretly amass forces and the vulnerability of any such massing.

 • Ukraine's Promised Counter Offensive Destined for Abject Failure, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, Apr 25, 2023

 • Lavrov at UN: Russian foreign minister outlines Western minority's place in a multilateral world, RT, Apr 24, 2023

Apr 25, 2023

Featured • Biden Prepares To Give Up On Ukraine, Moon of Alabama, Apr 25, 2023
    "The alternative to giving up is for the U.S. to escalate again by putting boots on the ground. But Biden wants to win his reelection fight and any further escalation of the war in Ukraine would likely prevent that."
    Bernhard should have said "Biden" instead of Biden. Our senile president, compromised by multiple high crimes, is not his own man.

 • Debt Rattle, The Automatic Earth, Apr 25, 2023
    Raúl Ilargi Mejier produces a fine melange of useful news daily. His compendium is particularly relevant today.

 • Biden’s team fears the aftermath of a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive, Jonathan Lemire and Alexander Ward, Politico, Apr 24, 2023

 • Antony Blinken and the 'Made Men' of the Biden Administration,, Apr 24, 2023
    It is a political and legal imperative to investigate and impeach Biden, Blinken, and Sullivan for their most serious crimes. What began as influence peddling and electoral corruption ended up putting incompetent and corrupt individuals in government, who then went on to provoke a proxy war against a nuclear-armed state and blow up the undersea pipelines carrying a significant portion of Europe's natural gas supply.

Apr 23 & 24, 2023

 • Russia warns US it will respond to journalist visa blocks, RT, Apr 23, 2023

 • Borrell wants EU navies to patrol Taiwan strait, RT, Apr 23, 2023

Apr 22, 2023

 • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr is Running for President, Tucker Carlson, Fox News, Twitter, Apr 20, 2023
    — Kennedy's comments on the Ukraine war may have broad appeal. They are internally contradictory, and we don't agree with all he said, but what he said might be as good as is currently possible from a mainstream presidential candidate who wants to win.
    Kennedy couches the war issue in a broader discussion of national priorities and "the corrupt merger of state and corporate power, which is turning our country into a corporate kleptocracy." See also
    Those of you who are having conversations and dialogues about the war may find some of Kennedy's remarks useful.

 • State of the War: Video Roundup 4/21/23, Simplicius The Thinker, Apr 21, 2023

 • Canceling Russian culture is a mistake – Italian president, RT, Apr 21, 2023

 • All NATO allies agree Ukraine should be member, but after victory — NATO chief, TASS, Apr 21, 2023

 • GOP Lawmakers Tell Biden They Won’t Support ‘Unrestrained’ Ukraine Aid, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 20, 2023
    — "We write to express concern regarding the U.S. response to Ukraine," Letter from Sen. Mike Lee, to President Biden, Apr 20, 2023

Apr 21, 2023

 • China & Russia Circle Wagons in Asia-Pacific, M.K. Bhadrakumar, Consortium News, Apr 21, 2023
   — Ilargi: This is a declaration of war.

 • NATO chief: Ukraine’s ‘rightful place’ is in the alliance, Lorne Cook and Samya Kullab, Associated Press, Apr 20, 2023
   — "Putin had disclosed in October 2019 that Russia was helping China to create an early missile warning system that would drastically enhance the defensive capacity of China....These systems are among the most sophisticated and sensitive areas of defense technology. The U.S. and Russia are the only countries which have been able to develop, build and maintain such systems. Certainly, close coordination and cooperation between Russia and China, two nuclear-armed powers, will profoundly contribute to world peace in the present circumstances by containing and deterring U.S. hegemony."

 • Whither Multipolarity in a Changing World Order, Roger Harris, Counterpunch, Apr 20, 2023
   — "The US juggernaut is lurching to war. Once pivoted to Asia, it does not appear to be equipped with a steering wheel, let alone brakes. Opposition to such a confrontation is virtually absent at the elite level. Both parties of capital compete with each other over which can be more Sinophobic. The Democrats, in particular, used to have dissenting voices, but now have embraced neo-conservatism. They exhibit an imperialist unity that is the envy of the Tea Party Republicans.
        "Meanwhile, a mass peace movement is AWOL. Oddly, the libertarian right is sounding more like peaceniks than some putative liberals who are shrieking “Slava Ukraini."

Apr 20, 2023

 • Leaks Reveal Reality Behind US Propaganda in Ukraine, Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J.S. Davies,, Apr 20, 2023
    — An excellent overview linking information from multiple sources.

    — "In what amounts to a second leak that the corporate media have studiously ignored, US intelligence sources have told veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh that they are asking the same questions, and they describe a "total breakdown" between the White House and the US intelligence community. Hersh’s sources describe a pattern that echoes the use of fabricated and unvetted intelligence to justify US aggression against Iraq in 2003, in which Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Sullivan are by-passing regular intelligence analysis and procedures and running the Ukraine War as their own private fiefdom. They reportedly smear all criticism of President Zelensky as "pro-Putin," and leave U.S. intelligence agencies out in the cold trying to understand a policy that makes no sense to them."

 • Massive Protest Sees Demonstrators Call For Czech Government's Resignation, Robert Semonsen, ZeroHedge, Apr 20, 2023

 • RFK Jr. Launches Presidential Bid, Vows to Unwind the US Empire, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 19, 2023
    — We support his anti-war, anti-imperialist stance. The Study Group does not endorse candidates or political parties.

 • The End of American 'Exceptionalism'?, Philip Giraldi, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Apr 19, 2023
    — "Watching a once great nation commit suicide is not pretty. President Joe Biden does not seem to understand that his role as elected leader of the United States is to take actions that directly or indirectly benefit the folks who voted for him as well as the other Americans who did not do so."

Apr 19, 2023

 • The Official Story of the Ukraine War Grossly Misleads, Frank T. Fitzgerald,, Apr 19, 2023

 • The Need for a New US Foreign Policy, Jeffrey D. Sachs, Consortium News, Apr 18, 2023

 • Then There Were Nine: Comer Alleges A Wider Range of Potential Biden Beneficiaries from Possible Influence Peddling, Jonathan Turley, Apr 18, 2023
   — Obviously, the man is unfit to serve as president seven ways to Sunday. But it would be far, far better to impeach Biden over the Nordstream bombing than over his blatant, over-the-top corruption. Impeachment over Nordstream would badly wound the neoconservative cause and the Imperium that expresses and shelters it.

 • Russian envoy slams Die Welt over ‘kill Putin’ quote, RT, Apr 18, 2023
   — Fred Kaplan, formerly a sane writer, is among the many who has lost his mind. I am not using a figure of speech. Ignoring reality is called denial and is characteristic of garden-variety neurosis; constructing an alternative reality is called delusion and is characteristic of a more psychotic style. When a society becomes comfortable with, and approving of, overt cries for murder a line has been crossed. We are now in a condition of mass psychosis.

 • Endangering Washington's Divine Right to Deceive, James Bovard, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Apr 18, 2023
   — "According to local legends, there was a bygone era when Washington journalists fought zealously to expose government cover-ups. ...The Washington press corps showed vastly more enthusiasm for tracking down the leaker than for discovering who bombed the Nord Stream pipeline. At a Pentagon press conference, journalists showed far more indignation about the breach of federal secrecy than about the lies that the documents exposed."
   — Like arms control NGOs and academics, the Washington press corps and the MSM who follow them across the country function more as parts of the federal government, lending a patina of legitimacy to what increasingly functions as a totalitarian state, than as any kind of independent "fourth estate."

Apr 18, 2023

 • Leaks Spelling the End for Ukraine, Joe Lauria, Consortium News, Apr 17, 2023
   — Good summary of recent events and the questions they pose. It is highly unlikely that the mass delusions about U.S. foreign policy now locked in place will, or even can, slip away any time soon, but even a slight loosening of the neocon grip could be life-giving for millions. It remains enormously important to speak up.

 • Corporate Media Are the Anti-WikiLeaks, Elizabeth Vos, Consortium News, Apr 17, 2023
   — "The legacy news media is not simply a second-rate form of journalism in comparison with WikiLeaks, but its intentional opposite."

Apr 17, 2023

Featured • The Slow Art of Whole-of-Government ‘Warfare’, Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture Foundation, Apr 17, 2023
   — Interesting essay he cites: The New Face of Marxism, Christopher F. Rufo, Apr 7, 2023

 • The Totalitarian Dystopia Is Already Here: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix,, Apr 17, 2023

 • Snowden and Texeira: Ten Years of Disaster, Craig Murray, Apr 16, 2023

 • Leaker Arrested/ Ukraine Russia War Latest - Col Doug Macgregor, Judging Freedom, Judge Napolitano, Apr 14, 2023
   — [snippet (1:32 long): "duty to lie?"]

 • Does Endless Spending in Ukraine Cause Deprivations at Home?, Glenn Greenwald, Apr 15, 2023

Apr 15 & 16, 2023

Featured • Larry Johnson and Other Former Insiders Debunk Air Guardsman-as-Pentagon-Leaker Story as Press Cheers Arrest, Yves Smith, naked capitalism, Apr 14, 2023

 • The 21 Year Old Leaker — Something is Not Right, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, Apr 14, 2023

 • Now, The Difficult Choice, Karl Denninger, Foreign Policy, Apr 14, 2023
   — "All the denials, all the arm-waving, that's all over now. This is now our war, and we, the people are the ones who decide...Do not kid yourself as to what this means." [emphasis in original]

   • Failure in Ukraine could end Western ‘golden age’ – Polish PM, RT, Apr 14, 2023
   • Poland receives Zelensky and prepares direct intervention in Ukraine war, Martin Nowak & Johannes Stern, World Socialist Web Site, Apr 13, 2023

 • John Bolton Declares Total War on Russia, Simplicius The Thinker, Apr 15, 2023
   — Steve Starr comment: "This is the thinking of the neocons (Victoria Nuland, Anthony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, Samantha Power, etc.) now controlling U.S. foreign policy." Starr is correct. They control U.S. foreign policy because no one else is really thinking at all, in the full sense of the term, i.e. the sense capable of stopping them. There is literally no fully sentient person in the Oval Office.

 • 'Leaks' Pinned On Russia And Other Issues With Them, Moon of Alabama, Apr 14, 2023

Apr 14, 2023

Featured • Larry Johnson and Other Former Insiders Debunk Air Guardsman-as-Pentagon-Leaker Story as Press Cheers Arrest, Yves Smith, naked capitalism, Apr 14, 2023

 • 'Leaks' Pinned On Russia And Other Issues With Them, Moon of Alabama, Apr 14, 2023

 • Why the Media Don’t Want to Know the Truth About the Nord Stream Blasts, Jonathan Cook,, Apr 14, 2023

 • The US Could Use Some Separation Of Media And State, Caitlin Johnstone, Apr 14, 2023

Apr 13, 2023

Featured • Trading with the Enemy, Seymour Hersh, Apr 12, 2023
   — Seymour Hersh: the CIA Knows Ukrainian Officials Are Skimming US Aid, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 12, 2023

Featured • SITREP 4/12/23: Offensive...or Collapse?, Simplicius the Thinker, Apr 12, 2023

 • Ukrainian counteroffensive could be postponed – PM, RT, Apr 12, 2023

 • US Kicks Off Nuclear War Games, Kyle Anzalone, The Libertarian Institute, Apr 12, 2023

Apr 11 & 12, 2023

Featured • We are Closening to a Move Through the Cycle – But First Will Come Disorder, Alastair Crooke, Strategic Culture Foundation, Apr 11, 2023
   "Although the cognitive élite contends that they are tolerant, inclusive, and pluralistic, they will not accept the moral legitimacy of their opponents. That is why in the U.S. – where the Cultural War is most developed – the language deployed by its foreign policy practitioners is so intemperate and inflammatory towards non-compliant states. The point here is that, as Professor Frank Furedi has emphasised, the contemporary ‘timbre’ is one no longer merely adversarial, but unremittingly hegemonic. It is not a ‘turn’. It is a rupture: The determination to displace other sets of values by a western inspired ‘Rules-Based Order’. Being a ‘liberal’ (in this strictly narrow sense) isn’t something you ‘do’; it is what you ‘are’. You think ‘right thoughts’ and utter ‘right speak’. Persuasion and compromise reflect only moral weakness in this vision...No compromise is allowed. To speak thus, to inhabit the western moral high ground creating ‘villains’, clearly is more important than coming to terms with reality....Thus, discontent at the welling string of western foreign policy flops grows. Crises multiply, both in number and across different societal dimensions."
   Two of Crooke's key references:
   — Wokism On A Mission, Frank Furedi, Apr 3, 2023
   — The Modernity Loop, Christopher F. Rufo, Apr 2, 2023
   "...First will come disorder" — See for example: "How has it come to this? Economic reality, Up-close and Nasty," Tim Morgan, April 12, 2023

 • Finland's NATO Move Leaves Others to Carry On the "Helsinki Spirit", Medea Benjamin & Nicolas J.S. Davies, Common Dreams, Apr 11, 2023

 • US making ‘bioweapons components’ in Ukraine – Moscow, RT, Apr 11, 2023

 • Pentagon Leaks Show Washington 'Dissidents' Want 'Offramp' From Ukraine 'Disaster', James Tweedie, Sputnik International, Apr 11, 2023

 • David Stockman On Imperial Washington - The New Global Menace, ZeroHedge, Apr 11, 2023

 • Ukraine SitRep: Leaked Briefings, Holding Roads, Split Training, Moon of Alabama, Apr 10, 2023

Apr 10, 2023

 • This iconic Kiev monastery survived the Mongols, the Nazis, and the Bolsheviks – can it withstand Zelensky? RT, Apr 10, 2023

 • Leaked Document Appears to Show NATO Special Operations Forces are in Ukraine, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 9, 2023

 • Pentagon in ‘panic’ after intel leak – WaPo, RT, Apr 9, 2023

 • The US Supported a Failed Ukrainian Attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 9, 2023

 • US Sees in Finland's NATO Accession Encirclement of Russia, Melkulangara Bhadrakumar, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Apr 6, 2023

 • Mapped: Ukrainian Refugee Destinations by the Numbers, Pranav Gavali,, Apr 6, 2023

Apr 9, 2023

Featured • Human Destiny in Ukraine, Eve Ottenberg, Counterpunch, Apr 7, 2023

 • Failed Ukrainian nuclear plant attack revealed – The Times, RT, Apr 8, 2023

 • 'Peace In The Middle East? That's A Threat.', Moon of Alabama, Apr 8, 2023

 • NATO to Hold Its Largest-Ever Air Exercises in June, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 6, 2023

Apr 8, 2023

Featured • SCOTT RITTER: The Future of US Nuclear Strategy, Consortium News, Apr 7, 2023

Featured • MAJOR: Nato Plans for Ukraine Leaked, Simplicius The Thinker, Apr 7, 2023
   – New Leaks of U.S./NATO Military Intelligence Documents Alarms Washington, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, Apr 7, 2023
   – Here's why the leaked ‘secret plan’ for a Ukrainian military offensive doesn't add up, Military Chronicle, RT, Apr 7, 2023

 • Donbass Front Lines Inflamed by Positional Battles, SouthFront, Apr 7, 2023

 • US Will Threaten Europe To Implement Sanctions on Russia, Kyle Anzalone,, Apr 7, 2023

 • The Bombing of Nord Stream - This act of war against Europe requires Congressional investigation, Dennis J. Kucinich, Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, Apr 7, 2023

Apr 7, 2023

Featured • Zelensky Goes To Poland, Andrew Korybko, The Automatic Earth, Apr 6, 2023

 • ‘Everything Russian’ must be eradicated in Crimea – Zelensky aide, RT, Apr 6, 2023

 • NATO Intel Leak or Disinformation?, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, Apr 6, 2023

 • Lukashenko,on Macron's statement that no country can deploy nuclear weapons on foreign territory, twitter video, Apr 6, 2023
   "I agree with him. That's why they have to withdraw all nuclear weapons from the 5 or 6 countries where they are deployed and return them to the Americans. And that's it."

 • Inside a Russian youth camp condemned by the ICC, The Grayzone, Apr 1, 2023
   h/t Mark Winterrowd

Apr 6, 2023

 • Stoltenberg Says Ukraine Must Win the War to Become a NATO Member, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 5, 2023

 • Seymour Hersh: The Nord Stream Ghost Ship, Scheerpost, Apr 5, 2023

 • Africa ‘All Out,’ 54-0, Against Joining Biden’s Proxy War on Russia, Walt Zlotow,, Apr 4, 2023

Apr 5, 2023

Featured • SITREP 4/4/23: Huge Tuesday Update Bonanza, Simplicius The Thinker, Apr 4, 2023

 • Journalist, Spy Or Cyber Front Warrior?, Moon of Alabama, Apr 4, 2023

 • New NATO member has lost its ‘special status’ – Moscow, RT, Apr 4, 2023

 • The Tragic U.S. Choice to Prioritize War Over Peacemaking, Yves Smith, naked capitalism, Apr 4, 2023

 • The fall of America’s benevolent empire, Thomas Fazi, UnHerd, Apr 3, 2023

Apr 4, 2023

Featured • West ‘not so eager to find out’ who bombed Nord Stream – WaPo, RT, Apr 3, 2023

 • More Prominent Countries Abandoning the US Dollar and Ignore U.S. Plea to Boost Oil Production, Larry Johnson, A Son of the New American Revolution, Apr 3, 2023

 • Wagner Group Raises Russian Flag Over Bakhmut City Hall, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 3, 2023

 • Russia to Put Nukes Near Belarus’ Western Border: Envoy, Dave DeCamp,, Apr 2, 2023
   GM: I suppose that means any intermediate range missiles with nuclear warheads will reach farther into NATO-allied lands.

Apr 3, 2023

Featured • The Truth About Russia's Economic Power: Is It Really as Small and Weak as the West Claims?, Simplicius The Thinker, Apr 2, 2023
    "It’s nothing but misery and complaints for the West. They’ve lost control of the plot and no longer have the levers to affect Russia economically, particularly now that Russian import substitution and economic re-orientation have allowed it to completely rewire its imports/exports to the East....the U.S. only had one chance to fully drown the Russian economy with its ‘crippling’ sanctions and economic terrorism, but it was a very risky ‘all or nothing’ gambit on the part of the Atlanticists. If they had succeeded in their plans by totally unplugging Russia from the Western economic system, they would have achieved an irreparably damaged Russia. But instead, they completely neutered themselves..."

Apr 1, 2023

 • New foreign policy concept allows Russia to hold preventive attacks, says military analyst, TASS, Mar 31, 2023

 • ‘Peacekeepers’ deployed to Ukraine without Russia’s consent must be eliminated – Medvedev, TASS, Mar 31, 2023

 • ICC’s Putin arrest warrant based on State Dept-funded report that debunked itself, Jeremy Loffredo & Max Blumenthal, The Grayzone, Mar 31, 2023

June 2024

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024

February 2024

January 2024

December 2023

November 2023

October 2023

September 2023

August 2023

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

April 2023

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022

November 2022

LASG products & presentations

 • ‘The Real Purpose In Making The Bomb Was To Subdue The Soviets.’ Now It’s Happening Again, On A Vast Scale. Why? – July 22 At Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 19, 2023

 • Bulletin 330: "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick and Greg Mello in Los Alamos, July 22, Jul 7, 2023

 • Ukraine War Makes it Harder to be a Nuclear ‘Dove’ | Our Land, Laura Paskus, New Mexico in Focus, Jun 30, 2023

 • Bulletin 329: Russia rules out nuclear disarmament negotiations; second week of Ukrainian offenses fail; what will US and NATO do? Build 60 projects in LANL's Pajarito Corridor?, Jun 17, 2023

 • Ukraine; Biden's Manicheism; the U.S. cannot even conduct a nuclear arms race, let alone win one, LASG friends ltr, Mar 16, 2023

 • Ukraine protest and updates, pit production delays and cost increases in NNSA's new budget, LASG friends ltr, Mar 14, 2023

 • Antiwar rally 2 pm Saturday in Albuquerque; LANL pits delayed, endorse the "Call for Sanity"; Ukraine update; the Nordstream investigation (and likely impeachment) "imperative" LASG friends ltr, Mar 11, 2023

 • Ukraine losses mount toward critical point; ANSWER rally against the war is now 2 pm (not 1 pm), March 18, Albuquerque; nearly half U.S. citizens believe WWIII is near, LASG friends ltr, Mar 7, 2023

 • Ukraine news and views; antiwar rally March 18; pending guest editorial; pit production precis, LASG friends ltr, Mar 3, 2023

 • Bulletin 325: Understanding the Nordstream sabotage and punishing those responsible, Feb 18, 2023

 • Ukraine news with comments and excerpts; bookmark for future reference if desired,LASG friends ltr, Feb 8, 2023

 • Bulletin 324: Opposition to Ukraine war gains visibility in New Mexico and via our web site, more broadly, Feb 6, 2023

 • Anti-nuclear activist opposes helping Ukraine, encourages peace, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 5, 2023

 • Bulletin 323: "Nuclear Hotseat" interview / Ukraine war updates, Feb 4, 2023

 • Bulletin 322: Right and Left To Join in D.C. Protest: ‘Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine’ / Bulletin of Atomic Scientists resets clock, blames Russia, Jan 25, 2023

 • $10 Trillion for Nuclear War: Racing to the Nuclear Cliff, The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, Jan 10, 2023

 • Bulletin 321: Last day for 2022 donations! / A few quick updates, Dec 31, 2022

 • Bulletin 320: Neocon humiliation -- or nuclear exchange / The centrality of war resistance in moral politics / 3 days left for 1:1 donation match!, Dec 29, 2022

 • Bulletin 319: Ukraine; NDAA: omnibus appropriations bill; fundraising --thank you; some matching funds still available, Dec 21, 2022

 • Stop the war now, Jean Nichols, The Taos News, Dec 19, 2022

 • Bulletin 318: Speak out now against further U.S. escalation in Ukraine; daily updates for your use, Dec 14, 2022

 • Agenda for tonight's emergency Ukraine meeting in Albuquerque, and by Zoom, Nov 15, 2022

 • Bulletin 314: Reminder re next week's antiwar, disarmament, & nuclear safety events: come if you can or tune in, outreach needed; pit interview on KNME tonight 7 pm; fundraising drive continues; erratum, Nov 11, 2022

 • Bulletin 313: Important meeting about Ukraine next week; DNFSB hearing in Santa Fe; more, Nov 7, 2022

 • Biden Administration releases aggressive nuclear strategy envisioning "first use" of nuclear weapons in wars like Ukraine, press release, Oct 27, 2022

 • Bulletin 310: Speak up! We urge you to take up the call for peace in Ukraine, Sep 25, 2022

 • Pope Francis: "World War III has been declared." We agree. Stop LANL's pit factory; Stop the U.S. war against Russia, presentation, Jun 15, 2022

 • Bulletin 301: Oppose the war! Demand and create accountability for lawmakers who fund and promote more war in Ukraine, May 16, 2022

 • Grave dangers loom in Ukraine war votes and escalations; opportunities open for journalists and citizens; We urge news media to widen debate, pose questions, create accountability, press release, May 16, 2022

 • LASG friends ltr: Thursday evening public discussion in Albuquerque: Ukraine, propaganda, progressives supporting Nazis and war, May 10, 2022

 • Escalation in Ukraine: The Nuclear War Danger is Real, Brian Becker & Greg Mello discuss the U.S. policy of waging proxy war on Russia, BreakThrough News, May 4, 2022

 • Bulletin 299: Emergency call to action: stop Biden's proposed $33 billion war escalation, Apr 28, 2022

 • Bulletin 298: Talk on pits & renewed U.S. nuclear weapons production Tuesday evening 4/26/22; antiwar billboard; what you can do, Apr 25, 2022

 • The core debate, Searchlight New Mexico, Mar 23, 2022

 • Bulletin 294: Please consider forwarding this fine statement from UNAC re Ukraine, Mar 23, 2022

 • Nuclear expert speaks on the dangers of war between the US and Russia, World Socialist Website, Mar 15, 2022

 • A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War, Consortium News, Greg Mello, Mar 7, 2022

 • Bulletin 293: Ukraine conflict: If you want a ceasefire (as we do), stop firing, Mar 5, 2022

 • Bulletin 292: Statement on the Ukraine conflict and war with Russia, Mar 1, 2022

 • "What can we in New Mexico do?," LASG letter, Feb 23, 2022

 • Bulletin 288: US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity and change, Dec 7, 2021 (see discussion of US, NATO, and Russia)

 • Nuclear experts speak on the dangers of war between the US and Russia, World Socialist Web Site, Apr 15, 2017

 • US Leaders Reject “Nuclear Winter” Studies, Ignore Existential Danger of Nuclear War. Turn a Blind Eye towards Armageddon, Steven Starr, Global Research, Nov 1, 2016

 • The Ukraine Conflict: What's Behind It? Why Is It Important?, Sep 26, 2015

 • Bulletin 200: Warhead budget bloat; U.S.-caused Ukraine catastrophe at the brink; hello peak oil, Feb 8, 2015

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